Another chance

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  "What do you want me to do for you to fully forgive me?"- Regan   


"What are you searching for kitten?" I asked her as I wrapped my arms around her waist. Her body stiffened and she wiggled out of my embrace.

"I'm searching for the spare keys. I want to get my own room or maybe we can look for a hotel to stay to. I hope you understand me" She said while her back was facing me. I gritted my teeth as anger flared in me. I yanked at her arm and made her faced me. To my surprise, her eyes were full of unshed tears. My rage subsided as I saw her face. She looked like she was about to cry.

"What happened?" I asked her as I leaned down to her face and kissed her eye lids as she closed her eyes then the tears fell.

"I-It's just that I feel so confuse right now" She admitted as she looked down.

"What do you mean by that? Do you regret what happened?" She shook her head no. I put my finger under her chin and made her looked at me. Tears were still falling from her eyes and It felt like someone was squeezing my heart at the sight of her like this.

"Then why are you crying?"

"Because you made me feel weak again and I hate myself for being so stupid. Why are you always doing this to me? You make me feel loved then you would crash my heart the next. Please, I need to get away from you for a moment. I need to think" She asked, almost begging. My jaw flexed. I didn't know what went in my head. Before I could realize what I was doing, I already punched the bed post, outraged. She looked stunned as her eyes widened with a tinge of fear.



I didn't expect his violent reaction of what I said. I was so stunned and at the same time I felt like I was the one hurting when I saw his already bleeding fist. I was a little startled but for some strange reason, I don't feel any danger even after what he did. I reached for his hand and checked his fist. I took a deep breath and stared at him in aghast.

"Why the heck did you do that?" I asked as I pulled his hand and motioned him to seat down at the edge of the bed. I went to the bathroom and searched for the first aid kit. When I returned, he was still motionless there as his palms on his face. When he heard my footsteps approaching him, he looked up at me.

"Please forgive me of what I did to you 4 years ago. I don't know what else to do to prove you that I regretted not telling you about my situation that time, for deceiving you. But believe me when I say that I really did love you, until now, I still love you. I never stopped loving you so please don't leave me again. What happened between us this afternoon gave me hope and I am still hoping that we can work things out" he said with so much emotions in his eyes. These past few days, I saw his vulnerable side and I still couldn't believe he could act like this. Weak. My heart melted of the way he looked at me. I approached him without saying anything and began cleaning his wound. After I put a bandage, I returned the first aid kit to the cabinet in the bathroom.

"What do you want me to do for you to fully forgive me?" He suddenly asked when I returned. I couldn't answer immediately. I stared at him and I could see the determination in his eyes.

"I don't know. You hurt me too much. It's just so unfair that after all the pain you've caused me, you just come back to my life and ask for another chance. After what happened to us, you just proved to me that I am still the stupid girl that you can play with your fingers" I said bitterly. His face hardened as he stood up all of a sudden and held both my shoulders.

"Don't ever say that to yourself again! You are not stupid! I know it's all my fault and I don't know if you ever find it in your heart to forgive me but I won't ever give up. I love you and I will do anything for you to love me again" I stared into his eyes and all I could see was how sincere he was. I couldn't find any trace that he was trying to play with me. I laughed bitterly, sounding silly while shaking my head lightly.

My POSSESSIVE ex-LOVER(Sequel of SHE'S MINE, EXCLUSIVELY MINE) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now