the beginning of the end 2

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A/N: Okay guys! i just want to get this out of my chest. English is not my first language so of course there are mistakes. I haven't edited this story yet and i am aware that there are MANY mistakes. I am not living in an English spoken country either (If you read about me on my profile). I am not complaining if you correct my mistakes. I appreciate it because i want to learn from you too. Just don't do it in a rude way.

One more thing, i already finished this story and i know some of you are already complaining about the problems and misunderstandings of the 2 main characters but i intended to make it that way because what good is a story without some complications before the ending right, right? Well, that's just my own opinion though. LOL. 

But don't worry, this is the last misunderstanding of the 2. Just a couple of chapters more before the ending so i wrote sweeter moments between the 2 in the next chapters. This is the longest A/N that I've ever wrote but this is NOT a rant. I'm just telling what's on my mind.  :)


  "What are you talking about Carina? I don't understand you anymore" -Regan 


I stared at the picture again and I couldn't be wrong, it was Regan and he was kissing a woman. I couldn't recognized the woman as her back was on the camera but she looked really familiar.

An overwhelming jealousy rose in my chest. Is this the reason why he wasn't even calling me because of her?

I wanted to scream because of the mixed emotions I was instantly feeling. Jealousy and anger were a potent combination and they were eating my right reasoning and the ability to analyze the situation rationally. I just wanted to cry.

The image of Tiffany and Regan who were on the bed together and both naked came back onto my mind and that made me almost insane. My grip on my phone tightened and I couldn't control the tears I was holding anymore. They fell.

"Mommy?" I looked at my daughter and she looked like she was about to cry too. I embraced her as I continued sobbing. I wanted to stop myself from crying because Scarlet was right in front of me but my tears were so stubborn that they continuously fell from my eyes.

I tried to smile and wiped my tears when I saw that she was crying too. I wiped her tears and kissed her forehead.

"Don't cry baby. Mommy is fine. I just remembered your grandpa. Can you smile for mommy?" She wiped her tears with the back of her hands and smiled at me sweetly. The pain in my chest was still there but just seeing the smiling face of my daughter reduced the pain.

I got startled when my phone rang. It was from an unknown number. I was debating inside if I was going to answer it or not. It stopped after ringing for several times. When it rang again, I decided to answer it.

"H-Hello" I said. My voice was kinda husky because of crying a while ago.

"Thank God you answered your phone Kitten" I almost gasped loudly when I heard the voice of Regan. Feeling like this upon hearing his voice just proved me how much I missed him and how I much wanted to see him right now if that was even possible. I closed my eyes and didn't answer. The anger and jealousy in my chest was still there. 

Should I ask him about it? What if he confirms about it? I wouldn't be able to handle it if that was the case. I knew I was being paranoid and distrustful but I couldn't help it. Even though I was telling myself that Regan didn't deceive me, it was just impossible to just forget it all just like that.

My POSSESSIVE ex-LOVER(Sequel of SHE'S MINE, EXCLUSIVELY MINE) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now