Moved on?

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  "No! You can't do that! I'm her mother! You can't take her away from me!"  -Carina


"What do you want to talk about?" I asked coldly but instead of answering me, he moved closer to me and hugged me tightly. I was so surprised that my body went frozen in his arms. When I regained my sanity, I tried to push him away but he just tightened his embrace.

"No! Don't push me away kitten. I've been waiting for this moment for years! I will not let you slip away from me again!" He said sternly. I stopped pushing him away upon hearing his determined voice. He still felt the same, smelt the same. I didn't know what came over me as I felt my eyes welled with tears.

"No. Don't say ridiculous things. I have already moved on! Please don't just come into our lives and hurt me again!" I said and pushed him harder this time and he let me go.

"Moved on? Don't give me that! We both know you didn't move on! If you did then why are you crying?!" I avoided his piercing gaze and look down at my trembling hands.

"What do you want from me?!" I asked him exasperatedly as stood up.

"I want you back and I want to be with my daughter. 4 years was already wasted and I want to fulfill my part as a father to her"

"Fine. I will allow you to be with your daughter but me, I won't go back to you. Never again" He stared at me intently while shaking his head. He stood up and stepped closer to me again. I tried to get away from him but he quickly grabbed both my arms.

"No. I told you 4 years has already wasted. I will do anything for you to accept me again in your life!"

"Are you listening to yourself? What about your wife?! Please don't do this to me. You hurt me enough already!" I said angrily but he just stayed calm while staring at me. His hands slid down from my arms to my hands.

"Listen carefully kitten, I will explain to you everything. She----" He tried explaining but I interrupted him. Didn't want to hear anything about his wife.

"No! I don't want to hear it!" I spat at him. I saw his jaw moved as he gritted his teeth. He heaved a sigh and let go of my hands.

"I can see that your mind's already close for any explanation. Fine, I will give you time but I want to spend time with my daughter. Come with me in the US" He said, his face became cold and hard. I knew him well to realize that he was angry.

"No! I don't want to go there with you!" I said stubbornly as I stomped my feet in irritation.

"Fine, don't come but I will take my daughter with me" He said with finality and my mouth hang open as I scowled at him.

"No! You can't do that! I'm her mother! You can't take her away from me!"

"And don't forget that she's my daughter too! You didn't tell me about her for years so don't blame me if I want to be with her too! Choose, either come with us or not. Either way, I will take my daughter" He said determinedly. I opened my mouth to say something but for some reason I didn't find anything to retaliate.

"I hate you! I will take this to court!" I threatened him but that just made him angrier. He huffed with irritation and raked his fingers through his hair.

"Are you serious Carina?! You want to expose our daughter to a court battle when we can just arrange this on our own? All I'm asking for is to be with my daughter and you" he said to me with frustration. I sat down. He was right. I couldn't expose my daughter to something like that. She was still young. I exhaled helplessly. I gave up.

My POSSESSIVE ex-LOVER(Sequel of SHE'S MINE, EXCLUSIVELY MINE) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now