Our house?!

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  "Because I never forgot about you, about us. I knew you'd come back to me and our daughter was an added bonus" -Regan  


I woke up as I felt someone touching my cheek. Then I felt something soft touched my lips. I opened my eyes and saw Regan's face next to my face. I gasped as I realized he just kissed me. I tried getting up but he prevented me from doing so by placing his hand on my shoulder.

"No. don't" He whispered and tucked some strands of my hair behind my ear. He was staring at me while his nose was slightly touching mine. I had the difficulty breathing because of how close he was to me.

"I missed you so much" he whispered again and claimed my lips. I tried to get away from him but he held my head to keep me still. I gasped again as his kiss became wild, searching and encouraging me to kiss him back. I groaned in pleasure as I let myself drowned into his kiss. I felt the same. I missed this, his kiss, his touch, his embrace and most of all, him, all of him. I was now kissing him willingly. It felt like we were in a dessert and the only way to quench our thirst was each other. He bit my bottom lip and sucked on it. I couldn't take it anymore, I opened my lips and let him in. I felt his hand gently caressing my arm, up and down. Then he stopped and rested his forehead against my forehead.

"I love you kitten. All these years, I still love you" He said. My throat tightened. I pulled away from him and looked outside the window but there was nothing there aside from endless clouds.

"Don't say that. I don't wanna hear it" I said bitterly as I felt my throat tightened.

"Why?" He asked. I looked at him angrily.

"You dare asking me why? Seriously Regan?" he clenched his jaw and looked at me.

"I love you! I love you!" He said repeatedly and I covered my ears, not wanting to hear his lies. I shook my head to him as he continued to tell how much he loved me. Soon I felt my cheeks dampen because of tears. I wasn't even aware that I was crying. Then the next thing I know was that he was comforting me in his arms. I thought I was over my old self who was naïve, innocent and weak but no, just the mere touch of him made me forget how much I hated him.


We were in his car on the way to God knows where. Nobody was talking except Scarlet who was oblivious about what happened to us, her parents.

Then the car came to a halt in front of a huge mansion I've never seen before. I looked at Regan confusedly.

"Where are we?" I asked him

"Welcome to my house, our house from now on" he said as the car entered the huge gate.

"Are you mad?! You brought us to your house?!" I asked him angrily.

"It's not just my house, it's our house from now on" He just said and got out of the car and picked up Scarlet from her seat. I followed them as he entered the big double doors. Soon maids came out to assist us with our stuff. They stared at me and Scarlet curiously and but greeted us politely.

"Regan, this is not funny. What will your wife say if we stay here?" I asked him worriedly. I didn't want to have more complications. He has done enough.

"I don't have a wife. We got divorced almost 4 years ago" He said looking at me intently, as if waiting what my reaction would be. I tried to talk but didn't know what to say. When I didn't say anything, he continued.

"Let's go inside" He said and went inside still carrying Scarlet in his arms. I followed them just to be surprised when we reached at the living room. There were numerous pictures of mine on the wall, not just me but there were also pictures of us together which were all taken 4 years ago. My heart pained as I remembered our happy memories together. It was so unfair, life was unfair. It let me experienced how to live happily but then took it back just like that. I turned my back at him when I felt my tears threatened to come out and discreetly wiped them off.

My POSSESSIVE ex-LOVER(Sequel of SHE'S MINE, EXCLUSIVELY MINE) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now