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  "Mommy, daddy, why are you both fighting?" -Scarlet 


"Mommy, who was that guy a while ago? Is he my daddy?" Scarlet asked me while I was driving. We were on our way home. I almost stepped on the break because of her question. She is a smart kid and I know I can't hide about her father forever.

"Yes sweetheart. He is your dad" I said in a small voice. I wasn't looking at her because I was driving but I knew she was surprised.

"I want to talk to daddy mommy, please" She begged at me.

"Baby, I need to fix things first okay? It' complicated right now but I promise everything will be alright" She nodded as if she understood what I really meant. I smiled inwardly. Thank God, she didn't insist to see her father.

When we reached home, my dad was already there waiting for us.

"How's your day my angels?" He asked us but I didn't say anything. Scarlet was the one who talked about what we did to her grandpa.

"I even saw my daddy, grandpa" My dad stared at me confusedly but I evaded his gaze.

"Really sweetie? Did you talk to him?" He asked but she just shrugged her little shoulders like a grown up.

"Yes but it's just for a while. Mommy and daddy were fighting so I didn't have a chance to talk to him" I felt guilty all of a sudden. Scarlet was already a big girl and soon she would start asking for her father. I didn't want to deprive her of a father but what could I do, her father is him. The man I only loved and at the same time, who hurt me.

"I'm sorry baby. We just had some misunderstanding"

"Can I see him mommy?" She asked me again. I looked at my father who was just listening to us. He shrugged his shoulder and sat on the couch. I heaved a sigh and ruffled her hair lovingly.

"Let's see about it baby. Now, why don't you go change so that we can eat dinner now" I said to her gently. Since her nanny wasn't around, I followed her and assisted her.

After dinner, like always, I helped my daughter clean herself and then tucked her to bed. After reading her a bedtime story, I stayed for a bit in her room. I was typing on my laptop when my phone rang. I didn't recognize the number but I answered it in case it was something important.

"Hello?" I asked tiredly but my senses was liven up when I heard the voice of the caller.

"Kitten. I want to us to meet tomorrow. Bring Scarlet with you" his voice was commanding and I didn't like it. I huffed and went to my room so that I wouldn't disturbed my daughter's sleep.

"Who's this?" I pretended that I didn't know him and I almost laughed out loud when I heard him grunted. He didn't change at all. The same arrogant and possessive man.

"Don't give me that crap kitten! I know you recognized my voice! Now I want to talk to you tomorrow" The nerve of this man. He really makes my blood boil.

"Look Mr. Novell, I don't have the time and even if I do have time, I won't still come so leave me alone!" I said curtly and was about to hung up when he answered.

"Kitten please!" his voice was almost begging and that caught me off guard. The rich and arrogant Regan Novell said 'please'? My foolish heart kept on pestering me to accept his invitation but my mind was screaming not to do it. My mind won.

"Don't call me that ever again. I hate you! Don't show yourself in front of me again!" I said and hang up on him. I was breathing heavily because of anger. Where the hell did he get my number?!

My POSSESSIVE ex-LOVER(Sequel of SHE'S MINE, EXCLUSIVELY MINE) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now