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WARNING!! Mild mature content on this chapter! 


  "You're a brave girl aren't you sweetheart? You don't have to be scared. She's gone and you won't see her again because we're going back to London tomorrow"- Carina  


I could feel how scared my daughter was as I hugged her. She was crying so hard that my heart ached as we tried to console her. I knew she was shocked and scared of what happened but we were still lucky that Rosie didn't succeed in her plans.

I took her to my arms and let her cried on my chest while I kept on kissing her head and rubbing her back to calm her down.

"What were you doing Fiona? Why did Scarlet went to the gate alone?" Regan asked exasperatedly at Fiona who just came running from the house.

"Sorry Mr. Novell, I told her to wait for me at the living room while watching tv because I needed to use the toilet but when I came back, she wasn't there anymore. I searched around the house until I heard the gun shots" Fiona said nervously. Regan raked his fingers through his hair with frustration.

Then the police came. Regan narrated them what happened while I on the other hand concentrated on consoling my daughter. When the police finished taking Regan's statement, they also asked me several questions. Regan took Scarlet from me while I answered the police's questions.

When the police left, Regan made phone calls to numerous people. His jaw was flexed the whole time because of rage but I didn't pay attention to what he was saying on the phone because I was busy with my daughter.

Then we decided to call a doctor for Scarlet because she seemed to be traumatized of what happened. When the doctor arrived, she told us that everything was okay. It was just a normal reaction because of what just happened. But she told us too that we should observe Scarlet in the next few days and if something was wrong with her behavior, then we must seek further for a professional help.


"Are you okay now baby? Don't you feel scared anymore?" I asked Scarlet while we were on the bed. She asked me if she could sleep with us tonight and I agreed. Regan wasn't home yet for a reason I don't know.

She snuggled close to me and hugged me.

"I'm scared mommy" she said and nuzzled her face on my chest, seeking comfort. I hugged her  tightly to make her feel secure and safe.

"You're a brave girl aren't you sweetheart? You don't have to be scared. She's gone and you won't see her again because we're going back to London tomorrow" She looked up at me with her forehead creased.

"We're going home mommy? What about daddy? Is he coming with us?" I groaned inwardly and I bit my bottom lip, unsure what to say.

"Ahm...He's not going to...come with us baby" I answered her hesitantly. I was surprised when she suddenly sat upright.

"But why mommy? I don't want to leave daddy!" She said and began crying. I quickly hugged her but she wiggled out of my embrace and ran towards the door. She was about to open it when it suddenly opened and Regan came in.

"Daddy..."She said while crying and lifted her hands up to her father. Regan picked her up with furrowed eye brows.

"What happened princess? Why are you crying?" He asked her and Scarlet's wails became louder as she hugged him tightly.

"M-mommy said we're going back to London tomorrow but you're not going to come with us. Is that true daddy?" My heart pained while watching my daughter like that. I didn't want to make her cry but it can't be helped. After what happened this morning, I wouldn't be able to have a peace of mind staying here anymore especially that Rosie escaped and wasn't apprehended yet. The safety of my daughter was my foremost priority for now.

My POSSESSIVE ex-LOVER(Sequel of SHE'S MINE, EXCLUSIVELY MINE) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now