I love U

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  "I love you so much kitten" -Regan 

****WARNING!!! This chapter has a mature content recommended for 18 years old and above. Read at your own risk!****


I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard the main door opened and I heard voices. Then I saw Scarlet running to the living room. When she saw me, she happily went to my waiting arms.

"Hello baby. Where did you go?" Before she answered, Regan spoke.

"We went to the airport to pick up my sister. We couldn't tell you because you were still sleeping. I didn't want to disturb you. I glared at him and was about to yell at him when I saw a familiar face. It's Angela. I only met her once but I remembered her face.

"Hello Carina. Long time no see. How are you?" She said in a friendly tone and hugged me. From the last time I saw her, she didn't change. She is still the beautiful girl from before. Even though she's just wearing loose shirt and a tattered skinny jeans, it looked so good on her.

"I'm fine. What about you?" I asked awkwardly. I knew she was a kind girl but I can't help but to feel uneasy towards her. I mean, I only met her once. She wasn't even in France when we went there. Regan told me she loved travelling around the world and wasn't the type who stays in one place for long. She grinned and sat on the couch then I saw the driver entered carrying a big suitcase.

"Well, I enjoyed my long vacation but I can also tell that you also enjoyed life while I was gone, right big brother? I mean, look, you have Scarlet here and living together like a normal family" She said while looking at me and Regan teasingly. My cheeks reddened in embarrassment. After what happened, I don't know how to feel when I hear someone teasing us to one another.

"Vacation my ass Angela! You made us all worried" Regan said sharply as I gasped and glared at him.

"Mind your words mister. Your daughter is in front of you" I reminded him icily. His eyes flew to Scarlet's direction but she wasn't paying attention to us. Her eyes were fixed on the TV which now showing cartoon series. Regan sighed and looked at me apologetically.

"Sorry, I forgot she's here" He said but his face turned cold after apologizing. Angela was just observing us while grinning. Then she stood up.

"Reg, sorry to disturb you both but can I go to my room now? I am tired and I need a little bit of sleep" Regan told her her room and called Mary, one of the maids to accompany Angela to her room. He also called Fiona to assist Scarlet in changing her clothes. Regan was also about to go somewhere when I stopped him.

"You look upset. You've been glaring at me from the moment we arrived" He said, half amused. I huffed. Yes, I was angry at him. He took my daughter out without telling me.

"Why did you took Scarlet with you to the airport? You didn't even have the decency to tell me beforehand!" His eye brows furrowed and gritted his teeth.

"First, we couldn't tell you because you were still sleeping. I didn't want to disturb your sleep. Second, it was all so sudden. I didn't expect Angela to come home today. She was away for a year now and she didn't even call me before flying back here. She just called me this morning" He explained. He looked stressed out.

"Even so, you could've woke me up. I don't want my daughter away from me" He inhaled exhaled like he was trying to calm himself.

"I am her father so of course I will not let something bad happen to her. Can you just trust me with this? She's my daughter too for God's sake!" My eyes zeroed to him. He looked irritated and I didn't like it.

My POSSESSIVE ex-LOVER(Sequel of SHE'S MINE, EXCLUSIVELY MINE) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now