Hello again my love

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OMG! i can't believe this story has reached its ending😭 😭 (Feeling emotional)

There's also a special chapter after the Epilogue. Who want's to read it?


  "Tell me Carina, don't you love me anymore?"- Regan  


I stared at the Eiffel Tower in front of me for a couple of seconds. I was already at the foot of the tower. I looked at the 3 police officers with me. They weren't on their uniforms because they told me that it was easier to do their job that way.

"Just go to the top of the tower and we're just going to follow you discreetly" My eyebrows knitted together. They didn't say anything about what they're going to do to retrieve my daughter but my dad told me that he already arranged everything. I trust my father so I just agreed. I wasn't sure of what they're about to do but I had these strange feelings the moment I saw these men.

If my dad didn't arrange everything, then I would just believe that they're not really police officers. I shook my head and decided to set aside the doubts and just quietly went to the long queue of people. When I paid my entrance fee, I went inside the elevator with the other tourists. If the situation was different then I would love to take the stairs and just take my time ascending to the top but I needed to get to the top as soon as possible.

I was so scared and worried for my daughter that I couldn't even appreciate the beautiful view as I looked around me. I was now the only one left in the elevator because they all went out of the 1st and 2nd levels of the tower. When I reached the top, I slowly stepped out of the elevator and began looking around. My heartbeat was so fast that I felt like my heart would come out of my chest.

I noticed that the place was decorated with different flowers and balloons, it was more beautiful the last time Regan and I were here but I just ignored it. I didn't have time to be amazed of the changes they made here. My priority for the moment was to see my daughter ASAP and to make sure that she's okay.

"Hello? Whoever you are, please come out. Give me back my daughter" I begged with trembling voice. But no one answered. I called for the kidnapper for a couple times more but there was no response. I went around the place while shouting for the kidnapper to come out but unfortunately, no one showed up. My expectation to see my daughter crushed just like that. I was already crying that I slumped down the floor with my hands covering my face. I told myself that I wouldn't cry but I couldn't help it. It was killing me knowing that Scarlet was missing and in the hands of somebody.

After how many minutes of crying, I felt a hand touched my shoulder. I slowly looked up to see whoever it was and I gasped out loud when I recognized him. He was wearing a serious face. I instantly stood up and hugged him tightly while sobbing. I couldn't even ask him why he was there.

"S-Scarlet got kidnapped" I cried while still in his arms. I felt him hugged me back and kissed my forehead.

"That's enough Kitten. Our daughter's fine. She's in good hands" He said. I pulled away from our embrace and looked at him.

"W-What do you mean by that? Why are you here? H-How did you know I am here right now?" I asked him confusedly.

"Now you have a lot of questions?" He chuckled but his eyes were still serious. Now I am really confused. Judging by his reaction when I told him about what happened to Scarlet, he knew something that I wasn't aware of.

My POSSESSIVE ex-LOVER(Sequel of SHE'S MINE, EXCLUSIVELY MINE) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now