What really happened

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Salut tout le monde! Sorry for the late update. I was supposed to update yesterday but there was a problem with our internet at home and it was so frustrating. lol! Anyway, i hope you like this update! Enjoy!



When I was inside the car, I just sat there trying to remember what really happened. How come I was in a room with that woman when I woke up? I leaned back my head to the head rest and closed my eyes.

At the party earlier

I was so hesitant to leave Carina and Scarlet to have a talk with Rosie but when Carina said that it was okay, I agreed and just went with Rosie. I thought that I would just talk to her for a little bit and then go back to our table. Rosie had her arm entwined with my arm and I wanted to remove it around mine but I just stopped myself from doing so because I didn't want to embarrass her. .

"What are we going to talk about? Where is the person who wants to meet me?" I asked her while looking around us. There was no one at the garden other than the two of us and I suddenly felt uneasy. There was something wrong. If I didn't know Rosie and I didn't considered her my friend, I would have left her there right away.

"Just wait Regan, she's on her way" She purred trying her hardest to be seductive and even bit her lower lip. She stepped closer to me and pretended to fix my necktie while staring at me like she's trying to seduce me. To my surprise, she suddenly pulled my necktie, pulling me closer to her in the process and that made me collided to her that her breasts bumped against my chest. I cringed when I involuntarily looked down to her chest which were almost popping out of her gown. I began to feel irritated that I stepped backwards, trying to get away from her.

"If you don't have anything to discuss with me then I'll just go back inside" I said with a stern voice and was about to walk away from her when I heard her spoke.

"What do you even see in that woman Regan? She left you for 4 years! Are you even sure that her child is yours?" She asked which made my blood boiled instantly. I don't know what she's trying to prove but I couldn't let that pass. I looked back at her while trying to control my anger.

"What do you want from me Rosie?! I thought we're already okay?! We already discussed about this, didn't we?! Why are you repeating this act again?!" I asked her exasperatedly. She just smirked at me and crossed her arms across her chest.

"Didn't you get what I said before? I told you haven't i? I won't ever give you up! I will do anything to destroy what you have with that woman. If I won't have you then I will make sure that no one can too!" She said venomously, almost shouting. I scowled at her. She looked like she's gone insane. I shook my head in disbelief. I was disappointed with her. I thought I already knew her but I guess not. This side of her was new to me and utterly disturbing.

"You're sick Rosie" I spat at her but she just smirked at me again. I turned around and was about to go again when I saw the person I dreaded to see, the person who used and deceived me. She was also smirking at me sarcastically. I looked at the two guys beside her.

"What is the meaning of this Rosie? Why is she here?" I asked her confusedly without looking at her. I didn't know what they're up to but I was sure that they're planning something bad. I remembered Carina and Scarlet at the party and I felt worried of what might happen to them. I cursed inwardly for being so careless and too trusting.

"Long time no see Regan? Aren't you going to give your ex-wife a hug or kiss maybe?" She said maliciously. She looked so different than the last time I saw her years ago. She looked like she aged for a couple of years even though we just have the same age. She was thinner too and judging from the way she looked right now, she didn't stop her drug addiction.

My POSSESSIVE ex-LOVER(Sequel of SHE'S MINE, EXCLUSIVELY MINE) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now