his daughter

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  "What's happening mommy? Who's he?"  -Scarlet


When I reached home, I went directly to my daughter's room. She was still sleeping soundly. I sat carefully on her side and stared at her. I never accepted it before but no matter how much I deny it, she looked like her father. If he saw our daughter, he would realize right away that she was his. I shook my head and touched her cheeks lightly. I won't allow him to get into my life again nor my daughter's. My heart tightened. Why did he have to be here in England of all places?

I was tossing and turning on my bed. I couldn't sleep. No matter how hard I tried to forget about Regan, his face kept on appearing in my head. He was more matured looking now, more manly and handsome if that were even possible. He was still the man I left 4 years ago but I couldn't get his eyes off my mind. His eyes were....sad.

I woke up when I heard a little voice calling for me.

"Mommy! Mommy, wake up!" I smiled but didn't open my eyes. I felt her small hand shook my shoulder. I purred sleepily and opened my eyes. My head hurt and it felt like I didn't sleep at all. Regan occupied my mind and didn't make me sleep.

I saw my daughter who was now about to cry. She was still in her pajamas.

"Good morning sweetheart. What's wrong?" I asked her and sat up.

"You promised me we would go out today but you aren't waking up" She said with unshed tears in her eyes. I chuckled and wiped her tears.

"I'm sorry baby. I am just tired. Don't worry, we will go out today. Just you and me. Now I want to see that beautiful smile" I said and she smiled at me. My heart felt lighter now. She really is my sunshine.

"Help me bathe mommy" She requested at me with puppy eyes. I told her nanny to go on a vacation which she gladly accepted.

"Of course baby. Come, let's go bathe together" She quickly hugged me happily. We went to the bathroom and bathe together. She kept on squealing as I helped her bathe. Looking at her like that, I felt bad a little. Since she was born, I was always busy on working that I just got to see her at night. Sometimes, she was even sleeping when I got home that's why I made sure that every Sunday I would be together with her but I knew that was not enough.

When we were finished taking a bath, I dressed her and then got dressed myself.

"Where do you want to go baby?" I asked her while I was combing her hair.

"I want to go to the theme park please mommy" I chuckled of her expression, it reminded me of Reg---. I shook my head to brush off the thought.


I took my Scarlet to the theme park and she kept on giggling excitedly seeing the rides and attractions. I accompanied her to the rides that she wanted to try. When she felt tired, I bought some snacks and we sat on a bench. We were in the middle of our snack when I saw Gian approaching us.

"Hey! Fancy meeting you here" He said greeted us happily and I greeted him back. He was in the UK for a month now for a vacation with his British girlfriend.

"Hello there little cutie pie. How are you?" He asked Scarlet and pinched her cheek lightly.

"I'm happy right now Uncle Gian because mommy took me here" Scarlet answered him and he smiled at her fondly.

"Wow. I'm happy for you cutie pie. Do you want to ride with me in the carousel?"

"Yehey! Yes, I want to" My daughter answered excitedly. She had grown attached to Gian ever since she met him; maybe because Gian was always been good in handling kids.

My POSSESSIVE ex-LOVER(Sequel of SHE'S MINE, EXCLUSIVELY MINE) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now