His past

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Bonjour tout le monde! Sorry for the late update! I had a problem with my laptop. I am here in the Philippines right now for a vacation and i couldn't find time to write. Hope you like this chapter :)

 I will update again if this chapter reaches 1K reads (lol). 

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"If the baby is really mine, don't you ever dare think of getting rid of it!" -Regan


"I think it's time for you to tell me about your ex-wife" She suddenly said. My body suddenly stiffened when I heard her say that. I looked at her face and she was serious and determined. I cleared my throat, trying to appear unaffected.

"What do you mean by that? She's my ex. We don't have to talk about her" I said as I looked away from her piercing gaze.

"You seem affected when you heard about her from Bryan. Do you still have feelings for her?" I snapped back my head to her direction.

"What?! No! Of course not! I don't care about her and the only feeling I have for her is hate, nothing else" her brows creased as she continued studying every expression I made. I know I am being silly and coward because I am trying to avoid the topic but I don't want to remember about her and what she did to me. I didn't love her like I love Carina but I still couldn't forget about what happened in the past. Then I gasped as I noticed the hurt in Carina's eyes. I raked my fingers through my hair with frustration. I promised her that I wouldn't hurt her again just a while ago but now, I am hurting her again.


As I stared at Regan and noticed how affected he was with our topic, I couldn't help but get hurt. I knew for sure how Regan loves me but I couldn't help it. I don't want to force him into opening up his past to me if he's not ready yet but I just felt that it was the right time now for us to be open to one another. No more secrets in order for us to move on. He suddenly pulled me to him for a tight embrace and then kissed my temple.

We laid back to the bed and I pillowed my head onto his chest while his hand was gently stroking my hair. I thought he was not going to say something because it took him a while before he spoke again.

"I met tiffany during my 4th year at the University. She was one of the most popular students in our campus because she's a model and aside from that, her family is rich. But aside from that, she's the campus crush too" He started. I nodded my head for him to continue. He took a long deep breath before he spoke again.

"One day, we met at a birthday party of one of a common friend. Rosie and Mia introduced her to me, they were classmates. Then we kinda hit it off and then..." I waited for his next word but he didn't say anything. I looked up at him and he seemed uncomfortable to continue. Then I realized what he wanted to say.

"Don't tell me you ended up in bed?" I asked him frowning.

"Y-Yes kitten. I was drunk that time" He said, stuttering a little bit. A rush of jealousy suddenly consumed me that I pulled away from his embrace and sat up to get away from him. But before I could even get out of the bed, he tugged my hand and pulled me back to his waiting arms. I know I'm being silly acting like this about his past but I couldn't help it. Just imagining him in bed with another woman was hard and painful.

My POSSESSIVE ex-LOVER(Sequel of SHE'S MINE, EXCLUSIVELY MINE) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now