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Hello guys! i just want to thank all the people who voted and commented on my stories! Please continue supporting my stories.

A/N: This chapter was written a little bit rushed because i wrote it for just about 2 hours last night. I was so busy that's why i uploaded it late today. Sorry for the wait!


"Please don't cry Kitten. I hate seeing you like this especially because of me" -Regan


"Careful baby. You might fall" I said to Scarlet while she was excitedly bouncing up and down the bed while giggling. She looked really fine now and she quickly recovered her strength. She raised her hands to Regan and he picked her up to his arms.

"Yes! We're going home!" Scarlet said happily as she kissed her daddy's cheeks.

"Wow! That's so sweet princess" Regan said affectionately and kissed her forehead in return. They looked really happy together. I heaved a sigh and picked up the small bag where I put all our stuffs.

"Okay that's enough you two. Let's go" I said and began walking towards the door.

When we were in the car, Scarlet was so talkative. She kept on talking about anything like what happened at the party and at the hospital and other random stuff.

"Mommy, daddy, I want to go there" Scarlet squealed excitedly as she saw a mall at the right side of the road.

"Okay, since it's already almost lunch time, we can go and eat there. There's a play area for children there if you want to play" Regan suggested as he smiled to Scarlet and began maneuvering the car to the right lane. The exit was getting nearer.

"No baby. You just came out of the hospital. You still need to rest" She looked at me disappointedly and then looked at her dad. Regan heaved a sigh.

"Kitten, it's okay. I will see to it that she won't over-exert herself. C'mon, say yes" He said with a sweet pleading voice that I almost rolled my eyes. They both looked disappointed. Father and child, their expressions were the same. I must looked like a killjoy now. I groaned inwardly at the thought.

"Fine. You win" Scarlet squealed happily.

"Yehey! Thank you mommy" She squealed and kissed me on the cheek.


When we finally found a parking space to park the car, Regan swiftly went out of the car and went to the other side to open the door for me and Scarlet. He even extended his hand for me. I was having a second thought if I would accept it because honestly I was still angry at him but then I accepted it anyway because my daughter was staring at us with a frown, maybe wondering why I haven't accepted her father's hand yet.

"Let's go" Regan said and was about to pick Scarlet up when she declined.

"I want to hold your hand mommy, yours too daddy" She requested as she raised her hands to the both of us. I held her and hand and Regan did the same to her other hand like we always do these past months. Whenever we do this, Scarlet seems to be happy.

As a mother, I want nothing than to give everything that could make my children happy but the situation has changed now because I am hurting again. The image of Regan and Tiffany on the bed was still etched on my mind and it really hurt.

I tried my best to act happy in front of my daughter while we were at the mall. Regan bought her many clothes and toys. I wanted to protest because I didn't want Scarlet to be spoiled like that but then I stopped myself when I saw Regan's eyes were like begging me not to say anything and just let him.

My POSSESSIVE ex-LOVER(Sequel of SHE'S MINE, EXCLUSIVELY MINE) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now