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  "Why do you always go out with him? Do you like his company that much?" -Regan 


To my surprise, she walked towards me with quick steps and hugged me tightly before I could react.

"Oh my god! Cari you're really here!" I felt her body trembled and that made me realized that she was now crying. My heart melted and I hugged her back. I could sense that she was surprise of me hugging her back but she didn't say anything after that.

"I'm sorry Cari. After all these years I couldn't forgive myself for not telling you about it beforehand. I understand if you're angry at me. I know we hurt you" She said full of regret when we were sitting on the couch. I looked at her intently and I could see how sorry she was.

"Please forgive me for not telling you the truth Cari. It's just that Reg begged me not to tell you and that he planned on telling you himself but things got out of hand and that led you leaving" She explained when I didn't respond while tears kept falling from her eyes. I sighed and took her hand.

"That's enough Tin. I admit, I got angry at you but then I realized that maybe you had a good reason why you did that. Let's just forget about all that and move on. We can't change what already happened"

"Am I forgiven?" She asked expectantly and I nodded. She hugged me again as she thanked me.

"Why didn't you tell me about it anyway?" I asked her. She took a deep breath and looked down for a second before she stared back at me again like she was gathering courage.

"As I told you, Reg begged me not to tell you. I agreed to him because I didn't want you to get hurt. Even me, I was hurting for you that time but I understood my cousin's reasoning then. Did he explain everything to you? About his marriage and all?" She questioned me. Now that I think about it, we never talked about it. I shook my head no as an answer.

"You must talk to him about it. I think you need to know everything" I shook my head again.

"It doesn't matter anymore. Enough of this. I don't want to stress you out. You're pregnant and I don't want this to affect your baby" I said. Her eyes widened as she put her hands on her stomach all of a sudden.

"What happened?" I asked her nervously but she smiled.

"Nothing. I just felt the baby kicked and it felt so strange" She giggled.

"Yeah. I know that feeling. When are you due? Who's the lucky guy?"

"2 months from now. His name is Jace. I will introduce him to you one of this days. Anyway, what do you mean you know this feeling? Don't tell me......" She asked curiously which made me chuckled.

"Yes. You guessed it right. I already have a child. She'll be down here any moment now" I said chuckling.

"Oh my god! Really?! You're not kidding are you?" She asked again. She never changed. I was about to answer her when I heard my daughter's voice calling for me. I looked at her direction. She was with Regan.

"Come here baby. This is your Aunt Christine. She is your dad's cousin and my best friend. Chris, she is Scarlet, my daughter"

"Our daughter" Regan corrected and I almost rolled my eyes. He sat beside me and wrapped his arms around my waist. Christine giggled looking at us then she beaconed Scarlet to come to her.

"Hello Scarlet. You're so cute. Come give Aunt Christine a kiss and a hug" Christine said and Scarlet obliged.

"Oh my gosh! She's really cute. I can't wait to see my baby. I wish she would be this cute too" She chanted while staring at Scarlet.

My POSSESSIVE ex-LOVER(Sequel of SHE'S MINE, EXCLUSIVELY MINE) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now