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Hello guys! Sorry, i haven't answering any of your questions through comments and messages lately because i was really busy. I just got back from Paris and i didn't even have time checking wattpad and even my social media accounts. (really).

A/N: I can't believe i will be telling this but PLEASE, if you can't stand this story and it's characters then DON'T READ it any further. Don't leave any rude comments and ridicule my story because i believe that i don't deserve such treatment. I am a calm person but i can't tolerate such behavior. I am not forcing anyone to read my stories but if you continue reading this, then thank you very much.

I mentioned before that there were 4 chapters remaining on this story but i cut it short. The next chapter will be the ending chapter then the epilogue.


I was staring at the ceiling but my mind wasn't there. My mind had been occupied by what happened when I talked to Carina. I knew she's been crying while talking to me. She was furious at me and I was so worried. It looked like our relationship was in utter danger. After our short conversation, I've been trying to call her a lot of times but she was rejecting my calls. Damn! I won't let our relationship to be destroyed just like that! I'll do everything to fix this.

I looked at the wall clock and it was already past 6:15 am. I didn't have the energy to do all the things that I needed to do because of what happened. You're really an as*hole! You keep on hurting her! Fix this!

I groaned in frustration. Just thinking of the fact that Carina's angry at me again is making me crazy. Why do I have to suffer like this? What did I do to experience all of these? All I want to do is to be with the woman I love. Be with her and our daughter forever. Simple as that. Damn it!

I was pulled out of my reverie when I heard a knock at the door. I got up to open it. It was Nilda. She was smiling at me while holding the telephone.

"Sorry to disturb you but Carina wants to talk to you" Upon hearing that, I instantly felt excited and happy. I thanked Nilda and answered the telephone. Nilda went back downstairs while I sat on the edge of the bed. I cleared my throat. I felt the anticipation to hear her voice again and I was expecting that she wasn't angry at me anymore that's why she called.

"Hello Kitten. Thank God you called me. Please, let's talk about what happened. Let me-"

"Scarlet here wants to talk to you" Instead of waiting for me to finish what I was supposed to say, she interrupted me. Even though I was happy to talk to Scarlet, I wanted to discuss our misunderstanding with her first. Even though it was through the telephone, I wanted to explain my side. But instead of letting me finish, she cut me off.

"Hello daddy" Scarlet's voice lifted my spirit a little bit. I missed her so much too. I groaned inwardly and ran my fingers though my hair in frustration.

"Hello princess, daddy already miss you and mommy so much"

"I miss you too daddy. I want to go back there now but mommy said we can't go back yet" Her voice sounded lonely and I could already imagine what she looked like at the moment.

"Don't worry princess, I'll convince mommy so that you can go back here as soon as possible"

"Really daddy? Yehey! I want to celebrate my birthday there with you and mommy" Sh*t! I almost forgot about that! It's scarlet's 4th birthday next month and that was 3 weeks from now on. I really need to do something about this.

"Of course princess. I'll do anything so that we can be together on your birthday" She was now giggling with happiness. She was undeniably happy. I continued talking to her and she was cheerfully answering every question I asked her.

My POSSESSIVE ex-LOVER(Sequel of SHE'S MINE, EXCLUSIVELY MINE) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now