Scarlet meets Angela

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  "She's so cute. Who's she Regan? Don't tell me she is a child of one of your women? Don't tell me you're in a married woman now?"  -Angela


My eyes went to her sexy legs. She was wearing short shorts, a sleeveless shirt and an apron while her hair was in a messy bun. Even though she had already gave birth to our daughter, she maintained her sexy figure. I suddenly had the urge to embrace her from behind like I used to do before but I stopped myself. I kept on observing every move she made before I cleared my throat to get her attention.

"You're here" She simply said while putting the ingredients into the pot then she turned on the burner.

"Yes. I just got home"

"Good for you" She answered indifferently and that made me chuckle.

"Don't I at least get a kiss?" I teased her, wanted to see her angry but beautiful expression.

"Excuse me! Why would I do that?" She hissed and crossed her arms on her chest while glaring at me. She really changed a lot. I've never thought one day I could see her with these expressions she was making these past few days. She's became strong willed and even though I loved her sweet and innocent self, her wild, stubborn and confident self was not bad either. In fact it was a huge turn on.

"Don't get mad. Okay, I will just go upstairs and change before you punch my face" I said smirking at her.

"Anyway, make sure not to put any peanuts. You know, in case you forgot about it" I said while walking away.

"I won't because Scarlet is allergic to it too" My steps came to a halt. I faced her again

"Wow, what genes I have. She even inherited that from me. My poor baby" I said with a teasing smile which made her blush profusely. She looked like she's about to explode in anger so I rushed to the stairs.


The morning after that, it was the start of my vacation but I still needed to work at home. There were a lot of work that I must do but it was better that way than not having any time with my Carina and Scarlet. Even though she kept on insisting for me to give her her own room, I still didn't give her one. I woke before her and carefully did my morning routine before leaving her alone to give her some more time to sleep.

I went to Scarlet's room to check on her and to my surprise, she was already woke up but still lying on her bed, thumb sucking.

"Good morning princess. Did you sleep well?" She nodded and got up. She wrapped her hands around my neck sleepily. I helped her took a bath and brushed her teeth. I felt so happy doing all these stuff. All these were new to me and it made me excited knowing that I am the father of this cute little girl. After helping her dressed up, I brought her downstairs and we ate breakfast together. We were almost done eating when my phone rang. I frowned when I saw who it was. I stood up and went away from the dining table. Fiona was with Scarlet.


"Hello big brother! How are you? It's been a long time" she said enthusiastically as if everything was normal when the truth was we never saw each other for a year now.

"How are you my ass Angela! Tell me where are you right now or else I will find you and you don't want what will happen! You told me you needed some space and you needed to get away for a while but you never came back other than sending me a SMS telling me not to search for you!" I said in anger but that I was also relieved that she contacted me after all this time. I heard her chuckle and that made me irritated.

"Relax Regan. I called to tell you that I'll be coming back for good"

"Good! When?"

"Actually, I just arrived here at the airport. I will just take a cab and go to your penthouse. I need to stay with you for some time if it's okay with you" I looked at my wristwatch and it was already 9:30 am.

My POSSESSIVE ex-LOVER(Sequel of SHE'S MINE, EXCLUSIVELY MINE) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now