Chapter 55: Pick him

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I put away my cap and gown and soon people began to shuffle in. I recognized some people that were walking in, but most of them I didn't know. Cameron introduced me to his other famous friends. I met Andrea Russett, Brent Rivera, the Dolan Twins, Sam Pottoroff, Kian and Jc, a bunch of people, most of them were hot.

"Bekah!" I heard Josh's sister call my name while I was sitting with Cameron.

"Hey Lizzy come here." I waved her over to me and saw Josh following behind her. "Lizzy this is Cameron. Cameron this is Lizzy, Josh's sister."

"Hi Lizzy. Josh." He half nodded at him and smiled at Lizzy.

"You-you are." Lizzy stuttered, making Cam laugh.

"Yes I am. Cameron Dallas, pleasure to meet you." He bowed.

"Whoa Cameron bowing? Whose he being a sarcastic asshole to now." Shawn threw his arm around me.

"This is normal for you?" Lizzy said shocked.

"Pretty much. I'm dating this one. This one is my bestfriend, along with Nash and the Jacks, Taylor is dating my sister, Hayes is like my little brother. It's not like they are cool they are dweebs." I shrugged.

"Hey I'm not a dweeb!" Shawn shouted. I shoved him playfully and he rolled his eyes walking away.

"Babe can you get me a drink?" I stuck out my bottom lip to Cam.

"Soda or water?"

"Soda. Thanks babe." He pecked my lips and walked to the kitchen.

"I loved you two together but sorry Josh, Cameron wins."

"Wins what exactly?" Josh asked confused.

"The girl. He's cooler than you, hotter than you, famous. I'm surprised she even still talks to you." Josh's face fell and he was getting noticeably upset.

"Liz that's enough. If you are going to be rude to Josh because of the people I hang out with then you can leave. Just because I'm friends with famous people now doesn't make Josh any less important." Josh half smiled at me until he saw Cam walk back and his face went back to expressionless.

"Sickening your with the hottest guy here and are still in love with my brother." She rolled her eyes and walked away but I grabbed her wrist.

"Get out of my house. Now."

"No thanks I'd rather stay." Liz was always a bitch, especially when she saw something she wanted, which in this case was Cam.

"Get the fuck out of my house Liz." I shouted, getting angry. Cam had disappeared, Josh was on standby ready to break up a fight because it wouldn't be the first time I fought Liz.

"Is there a problem?" The party died down, Mahogany and Andrea came to my side, along with the rest of our friends.

"No Liz was just leaving." Josh grabbed Liz's other wrist.

"I'm sorry Bekah. I should get her out of here. I'll see you tomorrow before you leave."

"Josh just come back and you can stay the night here so we can get you all figured out for California." He nodded and pulled his sister from the house.

"You good Bek?" Andrea asked.

"Yeah. Now I gotta go find Cam and fix all the shit she just started, cause you know we haven't had enough problems today."

"Good luck." She smiled as I walked away. I found Cameron upstairs, talking to some girl I'd never seen before but I'm pretty sure she sings or something.

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