Chapter 24: The Gilinsky's

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Gilinsky's POV ~

"Oh motherrrrr. I'm home" I shouted walking in the door.

"Wow you're actually alive. I never would've guessed. I haven't seen you in so long." I laughed at how dramatic she was being.

"Hi mom. Sorry I was at Bekahs house. We've been hanging out with all the Magcon guys, getting to know them more." She nodded her head understandingly.

"Well we are going to take you out sometime this week for dinner to celebrate , how's tomorrow." She looked so hopeful that it made saying no, so much harder.

"Um I don't know. Do you think we could do it another day? I kinda have plans tomorrow, if you guys are all busy then it's fine, I'll be there but it's really important."

"You're sisters leave Tuesday so we wanted to have one last meal with you all. So I'm sorry Jack but I'm pulling rank. You're going to this dinner , you have to cancel your plans. I know you have rehearsals until 4 so dinner will be at 5:30. Just us 5, no Bekah and no Johnson."

"But mom you really don't understand. This is really important to Bekah. I need to be there for her mom. Please can't we just do breakfast instead?" She thought about it for a minute.

"I'm sorry Jack but you trying to prove yourself to your crush, isn't as important as your family."

"But mom-"

"No Jack, you haven't spent time with your sisters at all. They leave soon and you need to be here with your family. My decision is final. You will be at that dinner." She turned and walked into the kitchen. I stormed into my room and slammed the door shut. I laid down on my bed pissed. When my moms mind is set there is no changing it.

"Hey bud." My sister Molly came in.

"What" I snapped.

"Geez, what happen with you and mom."

"I have plans with Bekah tomorrow and it's critical that I'm there, but mom said I can't go because I need to spend time with you and Laura."

"Ooo do these plans consist of her finally agreeing to go on a date with you."

I sat up frustrated. "No we are dating. She is finally my girlfriend. You know how she got into that really bad accident right?" She nodded her head. "Did I ever tell you why?" She shook her head no. "She found out her dad was killed in action that day. Tomorrow night is his funeral. If I don't go, not only do I lose my chance to have her as my girlfriend, but I could completely lose her. She needs me there for her. She hasn't cried over her dad since the day she found out. She hasn't even started to mourn yet. If I'm not there when she breaks, she's not going to let me help her piece herself back together. I need to go Molly." She sighed.

"Mom isn't going to believe you now, she's just gonna think you're trying to get out of it. I'll talk to Laura, we'll try to get mom to change it to breakfast. If not, I'll cover for you. You need to be there." I jumped off the bed and tackled her in a hug.

"Thank you thank you thank you." I told her repeatedly squeezing her.

"Wow I don't even get that kind of love. Lucky you Molls." I heard Bekahs voice from behind me.

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