Chapter 44: Stressed Out

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"Bekah you slept with him!" I yelled, walking into the living room. Shit she was on the phone, with Cam. She looked down at the couch.

"What is he talking about?" Cam asked confused. She didn't answer either of us.

"Bekah I need to talk to you without Cam. Hang up please and call him back later."

"Why Johnson? So you can tell me that I fucked up and that I'm a terrible person for doing that to him? So you can tell me I should've known better? So you can tell me that I broke him? Don't you think I already know that? I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want to break my best friend. I didn't want to leave him. I know I'm terrible I don't need you to tell me too." She hung up on Cam before he could say another word, tossed her phone on the couch and pushed past me, up to her room. That was what I was going to say to her. She was right, she should've known better but it's not entirely on her.

Cameron's POV~

Johnson said Bekah slept with him. Who is him? It could be G, or Jake, or someone else that they knew. It could literally be any him. Then she hung up on me.

I was going to call Nash and see if he knew but I didn't want to be the one to tell him if he didn't know. I called Bekah back but she didn't answer. I tried multiple times but she still didn't answer.

To Nash:
Aye call Bekah. She isn't answering me. See if she'll answer you

From Nash:
I did, she didn't answer me either. She was at the mall with Jake tho

To Nash:
She's home now, I was just talking to her. She got upset and hung up on me

From Nash:
Then just give her space. She'll call one of us when she is ready

He was right but I didn't want him to be so I called her again. This time she answered.


"Bek what is going on? I've called you so many times."

"Cam it's Ade. Bekah's phone was on the couch. I don't where she is though, she's not in her room." Fuck.

"Did you check the attic?"

"I checked the whole house. She probably just went for a walk to clear her head. Alot has been going on with her lately. She's been going out almost every night and not telling anyone. She'll probably be home later. Don't worry about her Cam." How could I not worry about her? I'm hours away from her and for all I know she could be dead in a ditch.

"Whatever. Call me when she gets home." I hung up the phone, pissed that Bekah was gone and I couldn't help her. Now all I could do was wait.

Bekah's POV~

I was so stressed out with everything that was going on. I have the problem with Gilinsky and I have to do my senior project. Not to mention the pressure to finish my EP before the tickets go on sale. Then there's the whole moving to California thing. There is so much on my plate right now I just need to clear my head.

I left my phone home so I wouldn't be bothered and went to the swimming pool at school. It felt so nice to be back in the water. Swimming always cleared my mind of everything. It makes me feel free. Free of everything going on around me. Writing music took that over after everything that happened with my family, but right now I just needed a break from the music and the pressure to make everyone happy. I love each of my fans but it stresses me out trying to make them all happy.

"I thought I might find you here." I heard a voice from behind me when I came up from the water. Ade.

"Hey Ade."

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