Chapter 58

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1 week later~

I haven't left or even packed yet. I'm still hoping that he will change his mind when he gets here. We started to plan the wedding a little bit, but it's to soon for some stuff.

James called Ade and told her he will be here today.

"Babe. It's going to be okay."

"We don't know that yet."

We were laying in bed, just waiting for that doorbell to ring. Then it did, and we didn't know what to do.

"Bek, James is here." Taylor peeked his head into the door.

"Here goes everything." I took Cameron's hand and pulled him out of the room, following Taylor.

"Bekah. Let's go. I don't have time for this."

"I didn't ask you to come here. You can leave."

"You are not marrying him. Get away from my sister!" He took my hand and pulled me away from Cameron, but I pulled my hand from his grasp.

"James you can't just come in here and act like my father. I am happy here. My life is here. My family is here. Everything that is anything to me is here. I am not going with you."

"James you can't just take her from us. She is my whole life, you can't just judge our relationship based on what you overheard from a fight. I love your sister more than anything else." Cam put his arm in front of me blocking me from James.

"Sorry James but Cam is right you can't take her. This is her home." Gilinsky stood in front of me too. Soon, everyone was saying things and standing in front of me, blocking me from James.

"If you want her, you are going to have to go through all of us." Taylor said, at the front of the group.

"Bekah. This is ridiculous. Get in the car before someone gets hurt, and it's not gonna be me."

"No James! This is my fucking life. I'm not a kid anymore! I am going to marry Cameron whether you like it or not. If you want to know what that fight was about then we can go upstairs and talk like we used to, but if all you want is to rip me out of my life, my career, everything I have that makes me happy, then I don't know who you are anymore. And that's not the brother I want at my wedding." I turned around and went back to my room, Cameron following.

"Bekah wait. I'm coming."  James followed us up the stairs and to our bedroom. I closed the door behind us and Cam and I sat on the bed.

"I don't want this happening. He had no right to speak to you the way he did."

"James I cheated on him! Everything he said was true. He wasn't just saying it to get to me and hurt my feelings. He said it so I could see what I was doing. Even after that, he stuck by me. So, yes he had the right to speak to me that way and yes I am marrying him." I grabbed Cam's hand and squeezed it, showing a small smile to him.

"Why didn't you tell me. This all could have been avoided."

"Because if I told you, you would have looked at me the way you are now. I messed up big time and I know that. I don't need anyone else's judgement. I have enough of my own."

"I still don't approve of this wedding, now for different reasons. Who was it."

"It doesn't matter. It was one time and it was the biggest mistake of my life."

"I thought you were better than that Bekah."

"James enough. She knows it was wrong. She did it to me. I got over it you can too. Your sister needs you so stop trying to play the good guy hero and be there for her."  Cameron stood up, toe to toe with James. I was expecting James to hit him right there, but he didn't. He hugged him.

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