Chapter 60

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I don't really remember much from last night. I know me and Shawn went to get dinner then we headed over to Sammy's. I remember starting to drink and I remember dancing with Sams girlfriend and talking to her friends but much after that is blank. 

I woke up and my head was pounding and the room was spinning. I felt like I was gonna puke. I looked to the side of me and Shawn was still asleep. His shirt was off and I began to worry until I looked under the cover and found his pants were still on and I was in pajama pants. I grabbed my phone and checked the time: 5 am. Our flight was at 7 to Boston. I rolled out of bed and saw that Shawn had picked up Nash's hangover cure at some point. On the side of it was a bottle of  Advil. I took 2 and washed it down with the slime looking drink. After that, I grabbed clothes and took a quick, hot shower.  By the time I was out, Shawn was up and getting his stuff ready for the shower and getting his stuff together so we could leave. He looked exhausted.

"What the hell happened yesterday? And what time did we even get back?" I asked before taking another sip of the gross fluid.

"Well you did some things I know you wouldn't do sober and we got back around 2." He said groggily.

"Oh god. Do I even want to know?" He laughed.

"Go check snapchat I'm sure you'll find everything there. I'm gonna go in the shower can you call Jack and Jack and make sure they are up? I think it's best for one of them to drive." I nodded in response and plopped back on the bed, grabbing my phone. I called G first because he always answers my calls.

"Bek? Is everything okay? Are you okay? What's going on?" He sounded worried,I didn't blame him, he hasn't heard from me since I left yesterday. I could also tell I woke him up.

"Yeah I'm okay. You guys gotta get up we gotta be at the airport in like an hour."

"Shit that's right. I forgot. I'll go wake up Jack. See you soon."

"Wait, can one of you guys drive?  Me and Shawn aren't exactly in the best condition to do so."

"Yeah that's fine. What happened with you two?" The worried tone returned to his voice.

"I'll explain when you get here, just hurry so we aren't late." I hung up and went to snapchat.

Shawn was all over my story, to someone who didn't know it would look like we were dating. Millions of people had seen it so it was pointless to take it down now, so I just moved to the next story, Shawn's. There wasn't a lot on it because he's not big on posting his every move on snapchat, but what was there was a lot of me. Recorded by me. Probably posted by me. His weren't as bad, we didn't look like a couple but it was very clear I was drunk. Great just what my fans need to see.

I ended going to Sammys whose revealed the worst of it. Apparently I told him what had happened with Cam. He was also drunk. Two drunks in one video is bad enough. He ended up going on and on about how I didn't deserve to be cheated on and that I'd be better with his 'Shawny boy'. Apparently we even played Spin the Bottle and guess who I kissed. Shawny boy.

Soon after I finished the stories Shawn was done in the bathroom.

"I'm sorry about last night. I don't even want to know what happened."

"We didn't kiss if that's what you mean." He said drying out his hair.

"We didn't?" I said, realizing I was a little to relieved when I saw Shawn's face.

"Nope, I stopped it. I knew that wasn't what you wanted. If I'm going to kiss you it's going to be when you are sober and want me to, not drunk and playing a game."

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