Chapter 25: The Funeral

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"Guys get the fuck up. Shit shit shit. We are going to be late. Fuck get up guys." Cam came running into the room, still putting his shirt on.

"Cam what the fuck. Why are you being so loud." I had a migraine from yesterday. After I saw Johnson kiss Bek, I called skate and got high as fuck until Ade called me. I haven't smoked in so long. Bekah doesn't approve so if she found out she'd be pissed.

"Get the fuck up. We have to be at rehearsals in 10 minutes and Bart hates when we are late. We need to go like now." He walked out of the room and we all jumped out of our beds. I grabbed my clothes and Bekah grabbed a pair of shorts. Jacob ran downstairs with his clothes and Mahogany ran into the bathroom.

"Jack. You broke your promise yesterday."

"What are you talking about." I said to Bek, pretending not to know what she meant.

"You know exactly what the fuck I'm talking about. I could smell it on your fucking clothes. It is soaked into your fucking sweatshirt. You promised you would fucking stop. You fucking promised." She smacked me over and over again. I had nothing to say to her. She was right, I broke my promise to her.

"I'm sorry Bek." She shook her head and smacked me across the face and walked out of the room.

Bekah's POV~

I went in Ades room and she was already up, I threw my clothes on and collapsed on her bed.

"Why are guys such ass holes." She laughed.

"You're dating your bestfriend of a million years. What did you expect. It's not gonna be easy. You guys know each other too well. You can't hide anything. You're most comfortable around each other. You guys have had sleepovers since you were 5. There is literally no escaping each other. He lives down the street."I sighed.

"Bek what the fuck are you doing laying there. We need to go now." Taylor said, walking into the room. I rolled my eyes and left the room.

When I got downstairs Jack was waiting for me to get in the passengers seat, instead I got into the backseat of Taylor's car.

"What'd he do this time." Matt asked.

"He broke a promise."

"Must be a serious promise, there's a hand print on his face, about the size of your tiny little hand." Aaron joked. I glared at him and he held his hands up in surrender.

"He's lucky that's all I did." I mumbled.

By the time we got to the place Bart told us to meet at, we were 20 minutes late.

"You guys were supposed to be here 20 minutes ago. Get in there now. Shawn set up your stuff, then it's Jack and Jack. Bekah if you are ready today, you can do one of your songs. If not you can wait until dress rehearsals. The rest of you, you know what you are doing for the show. The order is Shawn, Jack and Jack, Jacob, Bekah, Mahogany, Cameron, Aaron, Nash,Hayes, Taylor, Carter, Matt. This is just today. Throughout the week we will test different orders to see which one will work best. There will be Q&As at every show, so we will run through that, you need to be prepared for any questions. There will be dance competitions and sign competitions. Meet and greets need to be handled calmly. Your fans are the reason you are all here be respectful and grateful to them. For the show, everything will already be set up when you get on stage. Have fun. Rehearsals will be done by 4 today, we'll take a lunch break. Take your time, we have 5 hours. I don't mind if you use your phone while you're not doing anything but I don't want you missing being called on stage because you're on your phone. Now Shawn you're up first grab your guitar and get up there. Everyone else will sit backstage and Jacks, I want you to be ready to go on stage. After Shawn says goodnight, you guys get up there and do your thing. That's how this will go, I will remind you who is next. Pay attention, oh and if you're late again tomorrow I will become you're worse nightmare."

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