Chapter 16: Confused

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After Shawn left Skate and Sammy came back into the room, but Gilinsky wasn't with them.

"Where's Gilinsk?" I asked.

"He went to bring Shawn back to the hotel with the other guys. Did you have fun today?" I nodded. "Good. Gilinsky flipped out on Johnson you know. The only time I've seen him get that mad at Johnson was when we went to a party and Johnson got fuckin wasted. He actually hit him that time, but no worries he didn't hit him this time. He really cares about you." Sammy told me, smiling like he was trying to give away something he wasn't supposed too.

"I know he does. I don't know where I'd be without him. He's honestly probably the only reason I'm still alive. I've had one hell of a past and not even Johnson was there. It was always just Gilinsky. He means the world to me and probably doesn't even know it. It probably doesn't help that he sees me as his little sister." They looked at each other and started dying of laughter. "Guyysss I'm being serious here. Help meeee. You guys must know something." I whined to them. They gained their composure and then started talking again.

"You really think he sees you as a little sister." I nodded in response. "Well do you see him as an older brother?" I thought about it for a minute.

"No because I already have one of those. And I'm pretty sure that you don't look at your older brother and practically drool. That would be a problem. But he acts like my older brother sometimes. Ughhhh I hate my life." Sammy stood up and flicked my forehead. "Oww what was that for?"

"Don't say that." He grinned. "But why do you say it?"

"Because this is wrong. I feel like I'm homie hopping." I said plopping my head into the pillow. The guys started dying again of laughter, so I threw the tv remote at them and it hit Skate right in his head.

"Bitch." He snapped at me rubbing is head.

Sammy was still laughing and Skate elbowed him in the stomach. He stopped laughing and continued our conversation.

"What even is a 'homie hopper' and how are you one?" I groaned.

"A homie hopper is someone who dates one guy then dates his friend afterwards. I would be doing the same thing if I went after Gilinsky. I told Johnson I had feelings for him, took them back, almost died and kinda broke up with him, now he's out of my life. Johnson and Gilinsky are friends. If I dated Gilinsky we'd be around Johnson all the time and that's no good. I'd be a homie hopper." I pulled the pillow out from under my head and put it over my face groaning again.

"Wai-wai-wait. Your thinking about dating Gilinsky?" I lifted the pillow from my head and glared at them.

"Really that's what you get from all that. Seriously." I put the pillow back on my face as they chuckled at me.

"Okay I'll be helpful now. So you want to be with Gilinsky but you don't want to be a homie hopper and you think that he sees you as a little sister. Correct?" (Sammy) I nodded.

"Okay well just wait because you can't keep jumping from relationship to relationship or you will spend your senior year as the school 'hoe homie hopper'. We will talk to Gilinsky about how he sees you." Skate laughed a little bit after Sammy said this, and Sammy grinned knowing why he was laughing, although I didn't.

I groaned again, with the pillow still over my face. "What about Johnson? Uggggghhh it's so much easier to talk to them then it is to talk to you guys. Why do you guys have to be such guys. You guys don't understand like the Jacks do." I yelled into the pillow.

"Fine then go talk to him about your problems." I glared at them and threw the pillow at Sammy's head, but he dodged it.

"Alright break it all down for us in your girlish ways, making it more complicated then it needs to be." Skate said so I mimicked him and started breaking it down for them.

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