Chapter 12: Relapse

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I woke up around 7:30 to the smell of food, but I couldn't really go to the kitchen because I had no idea where my shoe thing was so I laid in bed thinking about what happen last night. For the first time in a very long time everything was some what simple for now. I still needed to get in touch with my brother though, so I texted him. And just stared at the ceiling while waiting for either him to answer or for Johnson to come back upstairs.

I heard footsteps nearing the door.

"Johnson is that you."

"No Bek it's a murderer who now knows the name of you're best friend and is going after him next." He replied sarcastically while walking in with a tray of food.

"Hey be nice I'm hurt remember?" I made a pouty lip and threw a pillow at him after he put down the food.

"Yeah yeah that's why I made us breakfast. Because I'm a nice friend. And by the way you are making it very difficult to avoid jumping on the bed next to you and making out with you until I have to go to the studio." I giggled and grinned at him.

"Well mister you're just gonna have to wait. O o o o how did the meeting go?!"

"Oh yeah we didn't get the chance to talk about it yesterday. Okay so this is really big news and as much as I'd love to just spill it and take all the glory, I can't. I want to wait for Gilinsky to tell you. Now eat you're breakfast while I go get your shoe." Fuckin kid.

I grabbed the tray and started eating when my phone rang.

"James! It's about time you answered what the fuck bro where have you been? I've called you so many times."

"Sorry Bek I smashed my phone it was getting fixed so I couldn't really talk to anyone but what's up. Why did you call so many times?"

"James, I think you should come home. We need you. I need you. Everything is falling apart."

"Bek I can't just drop everything and leave. This is college. I don't have any time off yet."

"James. You need to get time off."

"Tell me why first. I can't just leave cuz Ade is giving you and mom problems. You need to grow up and deal with it."

I saw Jack come in from the corner of my eye.

"James!  Mom is in rehab! It's just me and Ade. I was in a car accident and almost died. Dad is dead! I'm 17 James and I have to worry about water, electricity, and gas bills, plus groceries, and moms rehab and Ades summer camp."

"Bek please tell me you're kidding."

" I wish I was bud."

"Alright I'll talk to my coach and get there as soon as I possible but until I can, I want at least one of the Jacks staying with as often as possible. We'll talk more when I get there. I love you kid, don't get yourself anymore hurt please."

"I'll try. I love you to bud." I hung up the phone and dropped my phone on my chest, soon regretting it as it fell a little bit and hit my rib cage.

"Was that James?" Johnson asked.

"Yeah. He didn't even know mom was in rehab. He said he'd talk to his coach and get here as soon as he can. He wants either you or Gilinsky to stay with me as often as possible because he's scared I'll resort to my old habits. And honestly, I'm scared I will too." I told him playing with my pancakes.

"Well I'll call Gilinsky and see if we can cancel for today. He's probably on his way over here but whatever."

"J no, you and Gilinsky need to work in the studio for your career. I'll be fine.Go make some new jams." I told him.

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