Chapter 59

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I spent the entire night tossing and turning, never seeming to finally be comfortable. The sun started coming up and I decided it was time to stop trying. I checked my messages and found none, not surprising considering it was only 7 am, and turned on the tv. What was on you ask? The news with the top story: Cameron Dallas and Shawn Mendes: is this bromance over? Great. I don't even want to see the fans reactions. So much for keeping this on the down low.

I flipped through the channels only to discover there was nothing on. I turned off the tv and got out of bed. I threw on some shoes and went out to the store after I brushed my teeth, staying in the same sweatpants I wore for bed. I was about a half hour from the house but I still knew where things were so I went to the liquor store and grabbed a bottle of wine then went over to lush and grabbed a bath bomb and some bath salts and ended my trip by going to the dollar store to grab some candy.

"Hey stranger." I heard a deep voice from behind me. I whipped around to see who it was.

"Jake!" I jumped up and hugged him. "What are you doing here?"

"I just moved out here for a job."

"And you didn't even call me! I've missed you like crazy you ass!"

"Hey I figured you're some famous pop star now I wasn't sure if I needed to clear it with someone and besides, I tried when I found out but the number was disconnected."

"Oh yeah. We've had to change numbers a lot. What's going on with you lately?"

"I got my medical license. You are looking at Doctor Jake Esmaren."

"That's great! Look at you doing big things." I joked and we both laughed.

"Me? Didn't you just sell out Madison Square Garden in like record time?"

"Two minutes, but not a huge deal." I smiled. 

"I gotta go. Duty calls. What's your number quick and I'll call you so we can catch up." He pulled out a pen and a sticky note pad from who knows where and handed it over to me. I took it and his eyes grew wide at the sight of the ring. "Engaged? Whose the lucky guy? And what happen to your face?"

"Story for another time. After all, duty calls right?" I laughed and handed it back to him and headed off to the register. I paid for my items and went back to the hotel. It was about 8:30 now, and if I am right, Nash just woke Cam up for some type of hangover cure thing. I still had time for myself and was in no rush to deal with Cameron drama.

I got back to the hotel and filled the tub with water then put in the bath salts and bath bomb. I grabbed my bottle of wine, candy and journal while it was filling and put them off to the side while I grabbed my clothes. I went for simple today, as it was the last day here for now, and grabbed ripped jeans, a muscle tank top and my vans.

After cleaning my face and body, I soaked in the comfort of the tub for about an hour; with music playing softly, bottle of wine at the ready and scribbling my thoughts down into my journal, occasionally eating the candy I grabbed at the store. By the time I got out of the tub, I felt completely relaxed and like I could now calmly talk to Cameron. He had already texted me a few times asking where I was and why I didn't come home last night. Clearly he had gotten blackout drunk. Yay. I grabbed my phone and my purse and headed back over to the house. I got there around 11 after stopping to get some breakfast and coffee for myself.

When I got there, everyone was supposedly awake but only Nash, Cam, J and G were in the kitchen and no one else was in sight.

"Hey, you alright?" Gilinsky asked, being the first to see me.

"We'll see."

"Where the hell have you been?" Cameron asked since everyone else knew what happen.

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