Chapter 7: The Accident

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This chapter will be mostly in Ades POV, it may switch to and from Johnsons also.

Ades POV~

When I had awakened we were in the car still. We'd been hit. My head was bleeding a little bit and the wind shield was shattered in pieces across the road and all over me and Bek. Bek. I looked over to her, just realizing that her arm was holding me back. It didn't look normal anymore. Her face was all bloody and pieces of glass could be seen all in her face and her arms. I tried to see the other side of her but I couldn't move. The seat belt was locked and my arm was stuck between the seat and the armrest. I began to cry finally feeling all of the pain. I laid still knowing there was nothing I could do to help me or my sister. Luckily, the driver from the first accident was perfectly fine and called an ambulance.

It felt like forever waiting there. Everything hurt, including my heart. My sister who has taken care of me practically my entire life was still unconscious and bleeding. I could hear her breathing faintly. What if she doesn't make it either? Then who am I left with? An alcoholic mother or a brother who is to busy traveling to remember we exist? As more thoughts just kept flooding my mind I freaked out. I began hyperventilating and having an anxiety attack and panic attack in one. I couldn't breathe. My vision blurred with tears. Then I heard the ambulance. Forever had only been 5 minutes. It's starting to get dark now.

"There's  two young girls in the F150 and the driver of the other vehicle."I heard a guy say. I assumed it was the man from the first car.

They came over and I tried to speak to them but nothing came out. I tried again. Nothing. I continued to try and still nothing. Finally I got angry and forced myself to yell.

"This is my sister. I can hear her breathing but it's very faint please just help her she's all I have." My voice was shaky but I managed to get the words out.

"Are you okay ma'am?" The lady EMT asked me.

"Yeah. My arm is just stuck and I can't feel it but I'm okay. Just please help her."

"Okay ma'am we are going to need you to stay calm we're going to get you sister out of the car first. Then we will come back and get your arm out."


The EMTs returned with the gurney and a neck brace. One leaned over and unbuckled the seat belt while the other held beks head and put on the neck brace. Her face was still bleeding badly and it was beginning to swell. They got an oxygen pump into her mouth to help her breath and but her onto a plastic board. Then slid the board onto the gurney.

"Okay you ready now?"


And he put a wrench looking thing into the space where my arm was. Oh my god he was going to cut off my arm. Okay I'm okay it's okay I'm okay. I kept telling myself.

"Okay now when I tell you to, try to pull your arm up and out okay?"

"Yeah. Yes."

And he twisted the tool a few times. "Now!" And I pulled out my arm. It was hard considering I couldn't feel it and it was dangling. "Okay now climb over here so we can get you and you're sister to the hospital." I did as he said. Once out of the car I held my arm up and ran over to the ambulance. They closed the doors after I entered and sped off towards the nearest hospital.

When we got to the hospital the EMTs starting getting frantic.

"Her pulse is starting to drop. We need to get her in now." They looked over to me with an apologetic smile. "She's going to be okay kid I promise." And they rushed in, one giving me a bag of our stuff and telling me to follow.

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