15 minutes

18 8 1

do i live my life through others

some people say i do

but if you step back a moment

you'll see that just isn't true

i've had my 15 minutes

a couple times, i know

but that was another lifetime

a long, long, time ago

but i remember the feeling

the happiness and the pride

that sense of accomplishment

it was quite a ride

so, what's wrong with my wanting

others to feel the same

it comes from my heart

i'm not playing some kind of game

everyone deserves their 15 minutes

more power if it carries on

so grab on to the moment

before the 15 minutes are gone

a/n : this poem refers to the '15 minutes of fame', that many believe every person will have in their lives.

it was my hope, when i started the Poets Pub, that many would realize theirs.

200 Poems (completed Nov 25, 2016, 8:52am)Where stories live. Discover now