stand by me

9 7 0

stand by me

when times are troubled

hold my hand

through stormy nights

stand by me

and wait the good times

hold my hand

it'll be alright

i know i haven't

always been the perfect

man you expected me to be

but that don't mean

i don't love you

that don't mean

i'm not happy

if you stand

here beside me

give me a chance, you will see

i will grow

and i will always

be the man

you expect me to be


stand by me

when times are troubled

hold my hand

through stormy nights

stand by me

and wait the good times

hold my hand

it'll be alright

and years from now

we're still together

with a family, lovingly

here beside us

love, support us

i will still

love you eternally

so darling

stand by me

when times are troubled

hold my hand

through stormy nights

stand by me

and wait the good times

hold my hand

it'll be alright

200 Poems (completed Nov 25, 2016, 8:52am)Where stories live. Discover now