a friend

6 5 0

i know its you calling

what do you want me to say

you did what you did

i found out, now you must pay

you said, it didn't mean anything

just a moment you let your guard fall

it was just one of those things that happen

then ...

why did you let it happen, at all

i know i'm not the most exciting

and your life hasn't had that adventurous ring

but we have been together, 20 years

doesn't that count for something

i have always loved you

and i know i always will

but, for now, i have to leave

this is a bitter pill

maybe someday i will forgive you

maybe someday i will trust you again

maybe someday i will want you back


it will only be as a friend

200 Poems (completed Nov 25, 2016, 8:52am)Where stories live. Discover now