Chapter 5: Fight Night

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Y/N's squad returned to Vale at nighttime to avoid unnecessary contact with civilians, the good news is that Adalard has finally gotten back to normal after drinking a shot of nevermore wine. The quartet of Nazis patrolled the streets of Vale in search of answer to where they are.

Y/N: Ve need zo find a map of ze vurld! Quickly.

F/N: Lieutenant Y/N! Can ve please go to schleep!?

Y/N: NIEN! Ve are going to find vherever ve are...

Y/N dropped his MG42, pulled out a Walther P83 and pointed it at F/N

Y/N: Or die trying!

Adalard: I agree vith ze Lieutenant. Ve need to find information of our vhereabouts!

Richter: *whispers* Meine freunde! Come over here! Schnell!

The four looked around the wall and saw more faunus' in strange looking masks carrying crates into an armored truck... They were robbing a store. And Y/N was getting angry...

Y/N: Raiders... Filthy schwanzlutscher!!!

Y/N immediatly got into action, taking out his MG42, he started to 'spray and pray' the faunus' were surprised by Y/N and tried to get close but couldn't as
Y/N's machine gun prevented that. They started dropping like flies cause... MG42 here guys... 1200 rpm?

Adalard: CHARGE!

The rest of the Nazis jumped out of their hiding spots as they too joined in the action. Most of the White Fang members were already dead as the living ones retreated. The Nazis shot rounds into the sky to celebrate their victory as they opened the crates to see what the strange masked men were trying to steal.

F/N: Crystals?...

Adalard: Zeese seem zoo have no value...

Y/N: Zis doesn't make sense... Vhy vould zey take something of no value zoo zem?

Vale Policeman: You four! Freeze!

Y/N scoffs as his squad aims their guns at the officer, suddenly a dozen more guns aim at the group of four.

Adalard: He he he. Uhh ve vill go now

The Nazis turn around only to be met by another batch of officers also traiing their guns on the germans.

Vale Policeman: Stop right there!

Y/N: Scheisse...

RWBY Fanfic • |The Arrival| Book 1 In The Germans In Remnant SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now