Chapter 43 (Final): The Spartan, The Nazi and the Maiden

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Y/N stormed the room with his bullets as Pyrrha went in to engage the girl

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Y/N stormed the room with his bullets as Pyrrha went in to engage the girl. She tossed her sword at the villain but she dodged it with ease. Pyrrha threw her shield as Cinder evaded it too, she used her semblance to return her weapons to her hand as Y/N flanked to the left machine gun at the ready.

Cinder: You two cannot possibly think to defeat me.

Y/N: Vanna bet? Jou female dog!

Conder growled as she then started, floating.

Y/N: Vat za?

She tossed a fireball towards the lieutenant but he jumped out of it's way just in time. Cinder kept her eye on both Y/N and Pyrrha as she had her palms pointed at them both. She threw a stream of fire onto the red-head as she blocked with her shield.

The german took the opportunity and sprayed metal. Cinder only grunted, grabbed his uniform and tossed him to the far side of the room.

Y/N: Ouch.

Pyrrha slashed down but the fall maiden grabbed the blade and tossed her into the wall. Y/N recovered and got his MG, as Pyrrha got back up. She grabbed her weapons as Y/N waited for the right opportunity to attack Cinder from behind.

Pyrrha judo tossed her as she backflipped multiple times to gain some range. Y/N, approached her as he threw a punch. But Cinder turned around quickly and grabbed his fist.

Cinder: Impressive.

She kicked Y/N away as he slammed into the wall.

Pyrrha knew Y/N was buying time for her. She tackled Cinder as dust flew everywhere. As it settled, Pyrrha had her arm around Cinder's neck as she struggled to end the maiden. Y/N then walked infront of the two and aimed his MG42 at the immobilized Cinder.

Pyrrha: Shoot her!

Y/N pulled the trigger. *click* he pulled again... *click*

Y/N: Man vhat a bad time to run out of ammo.

Cinder started to use her powers to brun through Pyrrha's blade. Y/N heard a shriek as he turned around to see the Grimm Dragon coming at them full speed. Y/N desperately raised his pistol and started firing but it was too late. The Dragon flew into Beacon Tower's top causing it to fall.

Pyrrha got back up and saw Y/N with his gas mask broken and a few small tears in his Waffen SS uniform he was struggling to get up. Cinder was floating not too far away, she slowly crawled to her shield. She used her semblance to throw a piece of debris at Cinder knocking her down. The fall maiden engulfed the spartan in a sea of flames but in response a shield flew out as Cinder backhanded it away. She then gasped in slight surprise as gears flew around and encased her in a metallic cage.

Y/N ran up to the cage as he shoved in a stick grenade. It exploded but Cinder then broke the makeshift cage. A gear hit both Y/N and Pyrrha.

Cinder then formed a black bow as she fired an arrow, Pyrrha tossed her shield again but the projectile phased through it and flew straight into her Achilles Tendon.

Pyrrha: Ahhh!

Cinder stood dominant over a defeated Pyrrha as she walked infront of her.

Cinder: It's a shame you were promised powers that were never yours. But do not worry, for I shall use them in ways you have never imagined.

Pyrrha: Do you believe in Destiny?

Cinder:..... Yes.

Cinder then turned her attention to the grounded Nazi.

Cinder: And you... I offered you a once-in-a-lifetime chance to be a part of all this. And you spat in my face. But I see now that you were unworthy to serve alongside me the whole time.

She formed her bow and aimed at the Nazi.

Y/N: Vell, atleast I died for a good cause... FÜR DES VATERLAND!!!!

Cinder released the arrow as it penetrated
Y/N's gutsack.

Y/N: Glaghhhhh!

Pyrrha: Nooo!

Then Y/N heard a familiar voice.

Ruby: NOOOOOOO! Y/N!!!!

A bright light shone out as Pyrrha, Cinder and Y/N were all shocked.

Cinder, Pyrrha and Y/N: AHHHHHHHH!

Grimm Dragon: SCREEEEEECH!!!

Then finally, darkness overtook the young german...

A/N: And that concludes RWBY Fanfiction: Nazis In Remnant... I'd like to thank most of my followers who were alongside me on this journey, and supported me along the way. I'd also like to thank Wielka_Polska for inspiring the idea! I love you guys!! Peace out. FUR DEUTSCHLAND!!!!

RWBY Fanfic • |The Arrival| Book 1 In The Germans In Remnant SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now