Chapter 42: The Final Showdown

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Second Final Chapter! Whoohoo! (Yes I know I said this one should've been the last)

Beacon has been overrun. Even the combined efforts of all available Huntsman and Huntress' they wern't able to repel the huge amount of Grimm, and due to the very presence of the Wyvern-like Grimm they were forced to retreat to the docks.

Among the wreckage of Beacon are Lieutenant Y/N and Sergeant Adalard Schmidt of the Waffen SS. The two along with Corporal Vastilza Betrovzka volunteered to stay behind and search for any possible survivors. The trio trudged through the wasteland that was once the prestigious Beacon Academy.

Adalard: I'm low on ammunition. Herr Lieutenant. Can ve go now?

Y/N: It's Herr Oberst to you disrespectful inferior!

Adalard: Since vhen zid jou become Colonel?!

Y/N: F/N vould have vanted us zoo schtay and help zose injured und in need.

Flashback (The Death of F/N)

Y/N: F/N? Come on! Ve need zoo get out of here!

As the Huntsman were pulling out of the area due to the large amounts of Grimm, F/N aimed the Flak 88 at the dragon for one last shot.

Y/N: F/N! Get over here!

F/N: Nien Herr Lieutenant! Just von more shot!

Y/N watched helplessly as the dragon glided towards the Staff Sergeant. It's fearsome cry at its fullest. He knew it was the staff sergeant's last stand.

F/N: Say hello zoo my little friend! *fires*

The round grazed it's underbelly, as the dragon shrieked, probably in pain as it flew past F/N.

Y/N: HA! Alright! Ja. Die jou bastarde!

F/N: Zid jou see zat? I got him Herr Lieutenant! I got him! *splash* AGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!! It burns waghhhhhh!!!!

The dragon came back as one of the it's black liquid puddles used to spawn it's lesser forms fell right onto poor F/N while mid-victory celebration. The staff sergeant started to scream and melt as the puddle's temperature rose to extreme heights.

Y/N: NIIEEEEEEN!!! I-I lost him...

Vastilza: Comrade, we can't stay here. We have to retreat.

End o' Flashback

Y/N: *sighs* Fine Sergeant. If jou vant zoo go ze covards vay. *cocks P-38*

Adalard: Vhat!? Nien nien!!!

Y/N: I'm just kidding.... Sieg Heil!

Adalard: Sieg heil! Good luck Y/N.


Y/N and Betrovzka witnessed Miss Nikos push Jaune into the locker after she kissed him. Y/N couldn't say he was surprised by the events of the scene that played out in front of him. Then he saw Pyrrha run towards the ruined Beacon Academy. The Nazi and the Soviet ran after the red-headed warrior.

Y/N: Miss Nikos? Vhere are jou goving? Ze safezone is zis vay.

Pyrrha: Oh Y/N... I'm going to go stop the monster behind all of this. You should take your men and get out of here.

Y/N: Oh nien you don't. You are coming vith us.

Pyrrha: No Y/N you don't understand. I must do this.

Y/N: ........Grrr. Fine. If jou von't come vith us, I guess ve vill come vith jou.

Pyrrha: What? You can't! You don't know what power this woman possesses.

Y/N: More so. I've had zoo of my killed cause of zis voman! Plus jou may need some help.

Pyrrha: Fine, I can't turn down a generous offer. Come on Y/N.

Y/N: Alright, Mr. Kommunist let u- *looke around for Vast* Aw fuck zat drunkard.

Y/N and Pyrrha made their way into Beacon, where they entered the lift to Ozpin's office Pyrrha used her semblance to lift the elevator. Y/N cocked his MG42, and prepared a Stielhandgrenate. Pyrrha looked ready to throw her shield. Y/N shrugged and got ready to fire.

The doors opened as the Spartan flung her shield at who Y/N recognized as the girl who wanted to talk to him when he and his men entered Beacon...

Y/N: Oh Schiesse...

Cinder: Hello Y/N...

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