Chapter 25: A Grimm Situation/Adalard Finds a Paladin

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Y/N woke up, his ears were ringing as he looked aroung seeing everyone on RWBY and _AR, they were laying on the ground but still moving

Y/N: Everyone okay!?

Ruby: I feel like I'm a hunk of mush

F/N and Vastilza: I am okay!

Adalard: *groans* Ughhh Y/N? Shall I go tovards da light??

Ruby: Oh no you don't! Stay out of the light! *grabs Adalard and starts to shake him* Stay out of the light! You hear me!?

Weiss: Ruby, stop shaking him. I doubt it's gonna save him when he's actually dying.

Y/N: Ficken...

Grimm were roaming around the streets of Vale, dead bodies of citizens lay with looks of horror planted on their face.

Ruby: Let's get em' guys!

RWBY got into fighting stance as __AR pulled out their guns. Dozens of beowolves and a King Taijitu surrounded them.

Y/N: Eat this you bastarde! Yearghhhhh!

Y/N fired his MG42 into the pack as the rest of his comrades and RWBY unleashed a hail of destruction from their weapons.

Kickass Montage Time!!!

Y/N took out his bayonet and stabbed a beowolf's eye. While he uses his other hand to man his MG42.

Ruby swung her scythe cutting a beowolf in half as she shot roumds into a farther one.

F/N shot an HE rocket from his Panzerschreck obliterating a group of Grimm while he fired his Luger at the King Taijitu.

Weiss stabbed a beowolf through his throat, F/N finishing it with a couple shots.

Weiss: Nice job gas mask.

F/N: Don't call me that.

Adalard leapt forward with his bayonet attached to his STG and pierced a beowolf's stomach, he then pumped his guts full of lead before kicking him away and spat on it's corpse.

Blake shot multiple Grimm at a time before going back-to-back with F/N with his Luger in hand.

Richter ripped apart a wolf using his twin MP40's and headbutted one as hard as he could, knocking it out.

Vastilza held a molotov cocktail and flung it at an Ursa engulfing it in flames as it shook and roared at the Soviet, he threw his guns away and raised his fists. Taunting the creature, the Grimm charged but was stopped when the Russian socked him in the face. It whimpered before Vast grabbed his PPSH and jumped onto the Ursa mounting it.

Yang shot multiple shells at a few beowolfs before she sensed one trying to attack her from behind. She turned to see the open mouth of the Grimm before using both her fists to slam the sides of the Grimm's head.

End o' Montage!!!

JNPR arrived followed by CFVY a few minutes later. They assisted in exterminating the Grimm as reinforcements from Ironwood were arriving.

Adalard walked around the city before coming to a Paladin laying on the ground, he curiously approached. It's empty hatch seemingly called for him to enter.

Adalard: Vell... Vhat zoo ve have here?

He hesitantly entered, control screens came up as he clumsily tried to make it stand. Grimm were approaching as he tried to figure out how to man the weapons.

Adalard: Oh nien! Come on come on come on!! *plays Justin Bieber's Baby* VHAT ZE SCHIESSE IS ZIS CRAP!?! *fires* OH YES!

Adalard slowly stood up as he walked through the city, he came across his fellow Nazis as he jumped out of the mech.

Y/N: Oh cool! Vhere zid you get zat?

Adalard: Ummmm found it.

Y/N: Okay good. You can keep it. Ze Atlas Military has arrived und are taking control of ze situation. Ve are instructed zoo return to Beacon.

Adalard: Vait!? I can keep ze robot?

Y/N: Uh ja?...

Adalard: YES!


The Grimm were dead, driven out of the city. Luckily there were only a few casualties, but it was a few too much. Torchwick was dragged into the brig as cleanups were ensued. Overseeing the city of Vale Teams RWBY and __AR sat on a ledge. Observing the still smoking ruins of Vale.

Ruby: We had a long day today.

Weiss: I wonder what we do next?

Y/N: Ve train for ze Vytal Tournament. Come on guys. Ve need zoo finish our secret veapon!

Blake still was suspicious of Y/N, she wondered what that secret weapon was, or what would happed when Y/N's 'culture' is spread throughout Remnant as he says it will...

Blake: See you guys at the tournament.

RWBY Fanfic • |The Arrival| Book 1 In The Germans In Remnant SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now