Chapter 1

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*BEEP BEEP BEEP!!!* The sound of my alarm clock rang loudly in my ears. It was 6:30 on Monday morning. I dreaded this time every week. I whacked my alarm clock and slowly rolled out of bed, i reluctantly walked to the bathroom. I had a quick shower and went onto my normal routine, getting dressed, brushing my hair and putting on a little bit of make up. I ran down stairs to the smell of something burning. Of course Jai, being the dope he is was starting to doze off while making his toast so he was letting it burn.

"JAI!!!!" I screamed in his ear. That got his attention.

"God bells no need to be so loud!" he basically screamed in my ear,

"Jai, how's your toast going?" I stared at him and started laughing

"SHIT!!!" He screamed and looked at his pitch black toast. I just laughed at him. I started making my own breakfast when someone scared me from behind making me drop milk all over myself.

"LUKE!!!! DON'T DO THAT! YOU MADE ME SPILL MILK ON MY UNIFORM!!" I yelled and I stormed off upstairs to change my uniform.

"BELLA HURRY UP OR YOU'RE NOT GETTING DROPPED OFF AT SCHOOL!" Beau shouted up the stairs. I put my uniform on for the second time this morning and ran downstairs.

"Alright let's go" Beau chimes

"Wait, I haven't eaten breakfast yet!" I whine

"Too bad babe. I gotta go to work, now If you want a ride, I suggest you hurry up"

"I'm hungry. I would prefer to eat. I'll walk to school" I say. Beau shrugs his shoulders and kisses me goodbye. I say bye to the twins and tell them I'll see them at school.

I pour myself some more cereal and a glass of orange juice. When I'm done, I wash up my bowl and glass.

"Morning baby" my mum walks into the kitchen, "Boys already left?"

"Yeah they left like 10 minutes ago" I give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek "I guess I should get going too" I walk out of the kitchen and pick my bag up.

"Alright sweetie. Have a good day, I'll be home a bit late tonight so don't wait up for me" she kisses head and I start walking to the door.

"Bye mum love you" I call and start the long walk to school.

I got to school at around 8:30, leaving half an hour to sort out all my shit and hang out for a bit. I walked to my locker and got everything ready for 1st & 2nd period even though I had a free period 2nd. I then went and met my best friend Jessica at our group spot under the old oak tree on the grass area. My group consisted of me, Jessica, Ben, Tyla, Luke, Jai, James, Felicity and ugh, Veronica. If you're wondering why I said 'Ugh' before Veronica, it's because well she doesn't like me. In Fact she hates me but never shows it around the boys because she doesn't wanna lose their friendship, especially Jai's because she has a massive crush on him. We actually use to be really good friends, but thats a whole nother story.

Our group wasn't what you called popular but we liked to consider ourselves pretty cool even though we really weren't. I know what you're thinking... You sit with you brothers and their friends? Well yeah and theres a reason to that. My family and I are very protective of each other and we didn't really have many friends all we had was each other. Even though the twins were two years older than me and Jess, we didn't really care.

"Hey Bella!" Jess said as she ran up to me and have me a massive hug.

"hey!" I replied and hugged her back.
Jessica was the kind of person that would do anything for you and wasn't afraid of what others thought of her. That's something I love about her. She knows all my secrets. She knows the ones that not even my family knew.

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