Chapter 10 :)

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We got home at around 2:30. I had nothing to do. I decided to go to the park. I grabbed my penny and jumped out my window. I didn't tell anyone I was going, but I just needed to clear my head. I got on my penny and felt my hair flowing in the wind. At that moment, I felt picture perfect. Wish I always felt like that.

I arrived at the park in no time. I saw little kids everywhere having the time of their lives. They all had no worry in the world. If only it stayed like that. I sat on the park bench just thinking for about half an hour when I saw Veronica coming my way. She had her possi with her. Oh, no.

"Hey brooks, how bout you don't tell your brother about my little nice message. Tell him to stay out of it next!" she said as she came closer. I am going to kill Luke.

"How bout you just leave me alone bitch" I yelled at her and started walking off. Her two friends Crystal and Kayla ran in front of me. I tried to get past them, but struggled.

"And where do you think your going Brooks?" Veronica snapped at me whilst hitting my back. I fell, in pain. My phone starting ringing. I checked it and it was Jai.

"You answer that and I'll make sure the next breath you breathe is your last" she threatened me. I tried getting up, but she pushed me back to the ground.

" Can you just back off? Please?" I screamed at her.

"what would be the fun in that?" she said back. She looked away getting distracted by hot boy that walked by. That was my chance. I got up and ran to my tree. I climbed up and sat there waiting for her to find me.

"You idiots! Why did you let her go? Where the fuck is she!?" Veronica yelled at Crystal and Kayla. They stood there scared as hell. Well, at least I'm not the only one thats afraid of that witch.

She looked up and saw me sitting in the tree.

"Found you" she said sarcastically. "How bout you come down and I can finished what I started?" She asked me, smiling.

"Nah, I'm right up here. Thanks for asking though" I smart talk her. Her smile soon turned to a frown.

I looked at the time, it was 3:30. I've been at the park for an hour, basically being held hostage by Veronica. My phone kept going off. I knew it was one of the boys. I wanted to answer it, but I couldn't. I took out my phone and saw I had 10 texts and 5 voice messages from Luke, 6 texts and 7 voice messages from Jai and 9 texts and 8 Voice messages from Beau. Shit. I unlocked my phone and went onto reading the text messages from each of the boys.

To: Isabella

From: Luke

Where are you?

Come home now!

Bella, answer

Answer the god damn phone!!

Bella, you're worrying us come home!

Where the hell are you??

Answer! Please!!

What's going on!!!!!

Why are you ignoring us?

Ring me!!!!1

To: Isabella

From: Jai

Bella, where are you?

We are so worried where are you?

Bella! Answer the phone

Call us, one of us, please!

You have a phone for a reason!

Where are you Bella? You need to come home!

To: Isabella

From: Beau

Isabella! Where are you?

Come home now!!

Bella! Bella! Bella! Come home!

You're scaring us!!

Why aren't you answering us?

What's wrong?

Are you okay?

Bella, contact us! x

"Guys, why don't you just leave? I mean wouldn't you rather torture me at school in front of crowd?" I asked them. Knowing these people, the would fall for anything. I saw Crystal whisper something to Veronica.

"Okay Brooks, we will leave you" they said and started walking off. Do they really think I'm that dumb? I know they're walking off and hiding somewhere. I only said what I said to see if they would agree to torturing me at school, where I would have back up. I stayed up in the tree. No way was I leaving this tree until I texted someone to come.



We got home at around 2:30 and we all went our separate ways. Beau came into our room with me and Jai and played fifa while Isabella went to her room. It got to about 3:00 when we finished playing. We went down stairs and grabbed something to eat. I decided to go and ask Bella if she wanted anything. I knocked on her door and no one answered.

"Hey bella, you want something to eat?" I asked while still knocking. She didn't reply nor did she answer the door. I twisted the handle expecting it to be locked. She wasn't in there. I looked everywhere and she wasn't there. I noticed the window was opened. Shit. I ran down stairs to the boys.

"She's not there!" I yelled at them.

"What do you mean she's not there!!" they asked running up stairs. I started texting her and calling her straight away. She didn't answer on anything. The boys has the same result.

It had been half an hour and still nothing. By this point we were already out and about looking for her. I was walking all around our neighbourhood whilst Jai looked around the local shops and Beau in Melbourne central. It wasn't until 3:45 I finally got a text from her.

To: Luke

From: Bella <3

At the park. Veronica. Come quick x

The park! Why didn't I think of that. I'm so dumb. I ran as fast as I could. I saw Bella sitting up in the tree. Veronica was sitting on the play equipment and she saw me.

"Bella, wait here, I'll be back" I said as I started running to Veronica.

"What did you do to my sister!" I yelled in her face.

"Nothing, she looks fine to me" she giggled and I looked at Bella. I think she was okay, she didn't seem like she was in pain. I pinned Veronica up against the play equipment wall.

"I thought I said to leave her alone. Piss off and go wreck your own life. If you come near my sister, I will make your life a living hell" I threatened her.

"Awe Lukey, you don't scare me. You're trying to act like a hero to your sister, but you know you would never hurt me. Mate, you've just made things worse for her" she said with a sarcastic smile.

"Luke! Just leave it! Please!!" Bella cried. I left Veronica and walked off.

"He so wants me' I heard her say. I looked at her and rolled my eyes and then continued walking. Bella had already started walking home. She was upset so I just left her to walk. I thought I should text the boys saying she was okay.

To: Jai, Beau

From: Luke

Hey boys, I found her. She was at the park. We're on our way home. see you soon

Meh, Chapter 10 :) Sorry if this stories boring. I will put a bit more drama in. x

*Not edited*

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