Chapter 14 :)

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I decided to stop by the park before school. When I got there I threw out my lunch that I had packed last night. I was trying to lose weight so I cannot eat. I walked over to the play equipment and sat there eating my apple. That apple is all I’m eating today, so I may as well make it last. I stayed at the park until 8:25 and then decided to start walking to school. As I walked through the gates of school I got so many looks. I walked to my locker to grab my books and when I turned around and started walking off, a girl in the grade above me tripped me over. The bell for period one rang. I had Music. At least it’s something I like. On the way to music I checked my phone and saw I had a text from Jessica.

 Jessica: Sorry, not coming to school today and maybe not tomorrow. I’ve been sick all last night and can hardly move. I know your probably really upset at the moment because of the thing on facebook. (yes I saw it :(  ) So come over this afternoon and we can talk x

 Isabella: Okay :(  Will do x

 I put my phone away and continued walking. When I got to music, I saw Yr 11’s sitting in there along with my class. I went and sat down, trying to avoid the stares and glares from people. My music teacher came in and explained that we were combining with Yr 11’s for todays lesson. I sighed and saw Luke walk in the room. He saw me and walked out.

“Mr Brooks! Where do you think your going?” The teacher called from the door.

He walked back and said in front of the class “I’m not staying in any class where my sluttly little sister is! Either she leaves or I leave!”. The whole class laughed and looked at me. I ran out of the classroom crying. I went and sat in the bathrooms all of period one and two.

 The bell rang for recess and I decided to come out. I saw my group in their normal spot and decided to go join them. I walked over to them and as I sat down, they all go up and moved to a different spot. I looked as they were walking away and I saw Jai mouth “sorry” to me. I decided to just stay where I was because it wasn’t going to get any better from here.

 At lunch the same thing happened. I was sitting all alone under the big tree when Veronica appeared in front of me.

“Awe, why’s the little slut sitting all alone?” she said and started laughing. I stood up and stared into her eyes. “Ewww the slut’s looking at me!” she screamed.

I put my hands into a first and punched her in the face. Being the bitch she is, she punched me straight back. We kept fighting each other and everyone that was around us starting videoing it.

“LADIES! BREAK IT UP NOW!” The teacher on duty yelled at us. “BOTH OF YOU TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE, IMMEDIATELY!!” she screamed.

We both walked to the principal’s office, trying not to kill each other. The thing that hurt me the most, was that my brothers saw that I was getting hurt and they didn’t even stop it, they just watched like everyone else. They always tell me to never be a bystander, but then they’re a bystander themselves.

 *Principal's office*

“So would one of you like to tell me what this was all about?” Ms Parkinson asked.

“I would be happy to explain” Veronica said as I rolled my eyes.

"Here we go" I mumble

"I'm sorry, Ms Brooks would you like to say something?" I shake my head, "Go on Ms Hennings"

“I was just walking around and I saw Isabella sitting all alone. So I walked up to her and asked her why she was all alone and then all of a sudden she stood up and punched me in the face. I had a natural reaction and hit back and I regret that because it was wrong and she just kept hitting me” she said. By this point Veronica was crying. Well fake crying. 

“Is this true?” Miss asked, looking at me.

“NO! That is complete bullshit! Veronica is lying trust me. I know her well enough to never believe her when she says she’ll explain” I yelled at the teacher.

“Miss Brooks! Calm down! Miss Hennings, can you please step out for a second. I would like to speak to you both individually” she said. Veronica nodded and walked out, fake crying.

“What she said is not true. I’ll tell you the truth. So Veronica decided to tell the world I slept with someone, which is true, but it was last year and we just slept in the same bed, we didn’t actually do anything. And then today she comes up to me and said “awe, why’s the little slut sitting all alone?” and I didn’t say anything. I just stood up while she was laughing. Then she said “Ewwww the slut’s looking at me!” and then I punched her in the face. It was natural reaction. She deserved. Veronica is nothing but a bully!” I explained to Ms Parkinson.

“Look, Miss Brooks, what you did was wrong and for what you did, I’m going to have to suspend  you for a day. Now you mentioned that Veronica was bullying you, have you considered seeing the school guidance counselor? I think you should because it might be good for you to let some stuff out, if you wa-” I cut her off before she could finishing talking.

“I don’t need to see a fucking guidance counselor! All I need is for people to leave me alone!” I yelled and stormed out of the office.

 I ran to my locker and grabbed my bag and ran out the school gates before anyone could stop me. I ran to the train station and caught the train to Melbourne Central. I needed some time out and some time alone. I texted Jess telling her I wouldn’t be able to make it and that I would pop by tomorrow since I was suspended. I walked around the city of Melbourne for a few hours and then decided to head home, It was 6:30 by the time I got on the train. I didn’t really worry about anyone caring because everyone hated me anyway.

 I got home to find a very angry Beau standing in the hallway.

“Where the fuck have you been!?” He yelled.

“Out. Why do you care?” I yelled back.

“I care because I want to know why you had a fight at school, screamed and swore at the principal, got suspended and then went missing for 4 hours!” he was even more furious now.

I just ignored him and walked upstairs into my bedroom. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with him and his anger. I went onto all my social media and saw more  and more hate. I read through pages of it trying to not cry. I saw the video of me and Veronica fighting with a caption of “Fat girl beats up Hennings!”. I read through so many comments regarding to me as fat, a slut, a whore, or ugly. I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to let some pain out.

I walked to the bathroom, locking the door behind me and opened up the toilet lid. I put my hand into a gun shape, stuck it down my throat and starting gagging. Finally about a months worth of food came out. I flushed the toilet and stood up, looking at myself in the mirror. All i saw was an ugly, fat 15 year old girl. I was determined to be skinny. I still needed to feel pain, so I started looking through the cupboard for a blade. I found one and grabbed it. I put it up against my skin and slid it across my wrist. I watched as a minimal amount of blood rushed out. I did that another 5 times and watched the blood flow. I held a towel up against my wrist and put it under the running water, waiting for the blood to clean. After a while there was a knock on the bathroom door.

“What are you doing in there!? Can you hurry up!?” It was Luke. I quickly grabbed a bandage and put it around my wrist. I hid the blade and sprayed the bathroom and then unlocked the door. “What’s that?” Luke asked, pointing to my wrist.

“Nothing, piss off and leave me alone. You don’t care anyway” I said and walked off, slamming my door and locking it. I stayed in my room for the rest of the night.

The next day I went to Jess’s house and told her everything that was happening. I stayed at her house for the day since I didn’t want to go home. She said she was sorry for not being there and I said not to worry about it. The rest of the week was basically the same as monday except without all the fighting. Everything else was the same. Going to school, receiving the looks, going home, throwing up, cutting and staying in my room. Interesting life right?


So as you can see I finally found some drama to put in. Yay. Enjoy :) Btw don't know if anyones reading this, I'm just updating

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