Chapter 30 ❀

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{Beau’s Pov.}

Those words rang through my head like loud bells at a church. I just stood there in shock.

“Beau, honey, what’s wrong? You look like you seen a ghost” My mums words rang through my head like an echo. I turned to face her.

“Bella.. It’s… she.. it’s…” I just couldn’t get the words out.

“Honey, come on sit down. You need to calm down, tell me what happened” she said rather calmly and dragged me over to the couch.

“It.s.. B..B.Bella, Sh..she’s been” I somehow managed to say.

I watched as my mother burst into tears. I hugged her tight and started crying even more. I realised there was someone missing in this picture. Luke. He’s gonna take this the hardest for sure.

I let go of mum and stood up and then walked over to the stairs. “LUKE! GET DOWN HERE NOW!” I called up the stairs and then went and sat down again.

I heard his footsteps coming down the stairs. “Ugh what!? I was busy playing fifa and then you ma-” he stopped himself mid sentence and then asked, “Wait what’s going on? Why are we all crying?” he looked worried. This is gonna be hard to break it to him.


{Luke’s Pov.}

“GOAL!!!” I yelled.

“LUKE! GET DOWN HERE NOW!” I heard Beau call from downstairs. Bloody hell, all i wanna do it play fifa, but noooo I get interrupted. “ugh” I mumble to myself and then head for the stairs.

“Ugh what!? I was busy playing fifa and then you ma-” I stopped mid sentence and then asked, “Wait what’s going on? Why are we all crying?”

“Luke come sit down please” my Mum patted the seat next to her and I walked over and sat down.

“It’s your sister. She’s been shot..She’s in the hospital” that practically killed me.

I didn’t waste any time. I got up and ran for my life as fast as I could to Glenroy Hospital. As soon as I reached my destination I ran straight to the reception desk.

“Hi, how may I help you sir?” The lady asked.

“Isabella Brooks.. What room!? Where is she!?” I yelled.

“Shh please calm down sir. She is currently in surgery, but should be out soon. In the mean time you can go and wait in the waiting room with her brother over there” she pointed over to where Jai was sitting, “The doctor will be out shortly letting you know everything” she smiled and continued with what she was previously doing.

I ran over to Jai who was bawling his eyes out.

“Jai, what happened!?? Why is she here!!” i yelled, sitting down beside him.

He looked up, “Well, I was walking with Skip to the bakery and we heard something that sounded like gunshots. We didn’t think much of it at first, but as we started getting closer the sound kept getting louder. Skip looked up and saw a black car shooting a girl on the side of the road. We realised who it was and before we could stop the guy, he fired another shot and she fell to the ground” he explained.

That’s when I lost it. I went mental. I stood up and walked out of the hospital and started kicking the ground and hitting my fists against a brick wall. All of a sudden someone came up from behind and pulled me away. I slid down the wall and looked up to see Mum standing there. I cracked and started crying even more than before. Mum then also started crying. Beau walked over to her and said something to her and then she walked inside along with Skip and James who was now here and then Beau came and sat next to me on the ground.

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