Chapter 18 :)

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I slowly walked back into my room with Luke following close behind with a bucket in his hand just incase. “Are you okay bella?” he asked. I nodded. “Are you sure you don’t look to good. When was the last time you ate a proper meal?” he questioned. I shrugged my shoulders. “Look Bella, you have to eat! It’s not good for you starving yourself” he said. I shook my head, “Luke, you don’t get it! I have fucking hot brothers with abs and are skinny, everyone looks at you. Meanwhile I’m a potato. I don’t belong in this family! Everyone is skinny and I’m fat. Don’t tell me I need to eat! I don’t want to gain weight, I want to lose it! Do you not get that?” I yelled at him. “Bella you are not overweight. Remember when me and the boys were really chubby? We had to work for the way we look now. You are fine the way you are” he replied. “Luke can you please leave. I’ll speak to you in the morning. I’m tired and I want to sleep” I said and watched him nod and walk off, closing my door behind him.


“Hey Jai, I’m really worried about Isabella. She just threw up and she’s looking really unwell. I asked her when the last time she ate a proper meal and she just shrugged. She seems to think she’s fat when she isn’t. What are we gonna do?” I said to Jai as I walked into the front room and sat down on the couch. “I don’t know. Maybe we should ask people when we go to school if she’s been acting strange lately” he replied. I agreed and walked back upstairs. I opened Bella’s door and saw her quietly sleeping. She looked so peaceful and as if she didn’t have a worry in the world, but obviously she does. I walked into my bedroom and jumped up onto the top bunk. I was trying to work out what I was gonna do about Bella. I mean she’s in such a terrible mind space at the moment. I guess I should give her a bit of time. I went on twitter and saw a picture from Veronica that caught my eye. It was a picture of Bella’s wrists. She cuts. Both wrists were filled with cuts. No wonder she always wears our jumpers. I got off my bed and walked downstairs to Jai. I sat next to him with my phone held in front of his face for him to see the picture. “Luke, why are you showing me a picture of cut wrists?” He asked, “Because, those wrists belong to our little sister” I told him, showing him the comment from Veronica. He all of a sudden got up and ran into our sisters room.


Luke came downstairs and showed me a picture on his phone. At first I didn’t know why I we was showing me a picture of cut wrists, but then he told me it was Bella. I ran upstairs and into Isabella’s room. She wasn’t there. Huh? I heard something in the bathroom. I ran to the bathroom and opened the door. There on the floor I saw a 15 year old girl with blood on her arms and tears on her face. She was bawling her eyes out. “JAI, GET OUT!!” she yelled through the tears. “No, I’m not going anywhere!” I said to her as I sat down on the floor in front of her. “If you want to cut yourself, then you are going to take my arm, look me in the eyes, and cut as many time as you would yourself” I told her and watched her put the blade down on the floor. She looked at me in the eyes and cried. I took a damp towel and held it against her scars to stop the bleeding. I grabbed her and sat her into my lap, comforting her and calming her down. “Bella, we need to talk” I said. She looked up at me and shook her head no. “Bella, that wasn’t question. I don’t care if you don’t want to, but we have to.” I said and then stood up and helped her back into her room. “Jai, can we talk in the morning? Please?” she asked. I nodded my head and said, “But, tonight I am sleeping here with you”. She agreed as if she was going to ask that anyway. I went and got changed and told Luke what I was doing and then went back to Bella’s room.


I decided to give Beau a call to let him know what was going on. He was still pretty furious with Bella, but he doesn’t realise what’s going on.

{Call between Luke and Beau}

Beau: Hello?

Luke: Hey Beau, you need to come home

Beau: Ugh, why? What’s wrong now?

Luke: Bella has been self harming. Her wrists are full of scars and Jai just caught her cutting. He’s got her to stop, but I think she could really use all of our support at the moment.

Beau: She self harmed? I’m coming home. I’ll see you soon

Luke: Ok bye


I got a call from Luke telling me that Isabella was self harming. When I heard that it was like a thousand knives sticking into me. She was my little sister and was making her feel like she didn’t belong in our family. What she did was wrong, but she was pressured into it. At first, when she was thinking about suicide, I thought she was just being attention seeking, but now that I know she’s self harming, I know she not seeking our attention. I went and packed my bag and then headed downstairs to where James and Skip were. “Hey boys, I have to go home. Isabella is harming herself and she needs our support and help” I said. They walked upstairs and packed their bags and then joined me on my way to the airport. We got a seat on the first plane back to Australia.


Sorry if it's shorter then usual.

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