Chapter 31 ❀

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I woke up the next morning at 9am. The boys were still asleep. All of a sudden the door bursted open. It was the guy who shot me yesterday. What the hell is he doing here? Wait a minute.. That’s Matt!! Oh my gosh no no no!!

“Hey, Miss me?” He smirked

“What are you doing here!!!” I panicked.

“To finish what I started. I heard that you didn’t die from me shooting you yesterday, so today is your last day!” he said as he grabbed a gun out of his jacket and put up against my head and covered my mouth.

I started kicking and screaming. Why aren’t the boys freaking waking up!!??

“The more you struggle, the more i want to hurt you” he warned.

I kept screaming and then kicked him (by accident) where the sun really don’t shine.

“Ouch!” he yelped in pain.

“HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.

The boys finally woke up.

“GET AWAY FROM HER!!” Jai shouted at Matt.

Matt quickly got up from the floor and ran out of the room. I watched as Skip shot up and ran out after him.

“SKIP NO!! HE’S GOT A GUN!!” I yelled, hoping he would hear, but he didn’t return.

I broke down into tears and hugged Luke. Jai had already left the room to call the police. The only person I’m worrying about now is Skip.

{Skip’s Pov}

As soon as I heard Bella scream and saw Matt run out the door, I knew I had to after him. He hurt Isabella who is like a little sister to me and that’s not on. I chased him out the doors of the hospital and caught up to him just outside in the carpark. I jumped on him and held him down. I heard sirens and looked up to see a police car stop. I waved my arms, signaling for them to come over here. one of the policemen saw me and ran over.

“Is this Matt Hennings?” He asked.

I nodded. and got up off of Matt.

“Matt, you are under arrest for attempted murder of a young girl. Anything you say or do will be held against you” he said and put handcuffs around him. i watched one of them take him away and the other one stayed with me.

“Can you tell me what happened?” the police woman asked and I nodded.

“Well I woke up this morning to my friends little sister screaming because Matt had come back to try and kill her while she was in hospital and then he noticed we woke up and ran out and I chased after him” i explained. Thats all I knew.

“Mhm, and is the victim inside?” she questioned. I nodded my head and started leading her inside.

“SKIP!!!!” Bella screamed as i walked in the room. She was cuddled up to Luke and still looked shaken up.

I gave her a weak smile and moved out of the way for the police officer.

“Do you guys mind if I have a quick word with Ms Brooks for a moment?” The officer asked. We all nodded our heads and left the room, leaving the to talk.

{Bella’s Pov}

“Ms Brooks, can you please recall what has happened over the past two days with Mr Hennings?” The policewoman asked me.

I nodded, “Well Yesterday I was walking home from my boyfriends place and then all of a sudden I heard a car horn going off. i was curious so i turned around and found a man in a car and realised it was Matt. He held a gun out the window and then started to shoot. I dodged the first few bullets, but then the last shot he fired hit me right in the stomach and all I remember after that is someone calling my name and then falling to the ground. Then today I woke up and he just bursted through the doors and threatened me. I started screaming and he held a gun to my head. He I accidently kicked him and then he fell to the ground. My brothers woke up and then he ran out of the room and my friend went after him” I told the officer.

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