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I woke up the next morning at 11am. I looked around the room and saw everyone was still asleep. I remembered today was the day we were leaving our beloved home town of Melbourne for LA. Our plane leaves at 3pm, which means we have 3 hours to cleans up and be out of here with enough time to say goodbye to everyone at the airport. I stood up and ran upstairs to my room and grabbed my horn and then ran back down stairs.

*Presses horn* “SLUTSSSSSSSSSSSSSS” I yelled as lous as I could and everyone woke up.

“Ugh Bella, shut up!!” Jai winged like a little girl.

“Um guys our plane leaves in an hour!! hurry up and get ready!!!!” i screamed. They all shot up and ran to different rooms to get ready. Omg they are so dumb!!!

Half an hour later, all the boys came downstairs with there suitcase and bags.

“Bella!!! Why aren’t you ready!!!!” Luke panicked.

I bursted into laughter, “because our plane leaves in like three and half hours. I just said it left in an hour so you would all get up”

“You are one evil child” James said.

“Thank you. I try my best” I smiled and got up, walking into my room. I went and had a quick shower, letting the warm droplets of water splash all over my body. I got out and went and got change into my pink flower shirt, black jeans and brown sandals. Again, i added a bit of make-up and also did my hair in a fishtail braid ( After getting ready I got my plane bag ready. I put my laptop, laptop charger and phone charger, sunnies, wallet, passport and a jumper inside. I checked the time and it was just passed 12:50. Wow that actually took quite a while to get ready. I got my suitcase and two bags and took them downstairs to where the boys suitcases were. I then joined the boys on the couch. We started recapping different memories that had taken place over the years. Mum came and joined us. She started crying because she knew all her babies were leaving. I felt kind of bad because I was suppose to be staying here with her, but she said it would be good for me to go and start a new life in LA for a bit. She has Nonno and Nonna so I guess thats a good thing and she has the rest of the family too.

An hour later, we left for the airport and got there at 2:15. I walked into the airport and saw Ben standing there. I ran over to him.

“BENNNNNNNNNNN” I yelled and jumped into his arms giving him a massive hug and a peck on the lips.

“Oh my baby girl! I’m gonna miss you so much!!” he said holding me tight.

He finally put me down and took my hand as we joined the others. Nonno and Nonna turned up next and I gave them both a massive hug. We all walked over to put our luggage through. And when I say everyone I mean my family plus Nonno and Nonna, Daniel’s family and James’s family.

After putting our luggage through we went through customs and then went to starbucks. Me and Ben sat at our own little booth with each other, just remembering all our times spent together. We took photos together and posted heaps on twitter and instagram. There was one of us kissing each other and it looked perfect. I put a black and white filter on it and then uploaded it to twitter.

@BellaBrooks1: I’m gonna miss him :( I love you so much @BenAustin1 <3 *insert picture here*

Mum walked over to us and told us that it was 2:45 and that we would be called for our flight soon. We walked over to the waiting area and then we heard it.

“Flight AJ260 to Los Angles, this is your first call for boarding”

I looked over at Ben and tears flooded my face.

“I’m gonna miss you so much!!!” I said, holding on to him tightly.

“I’m gonna miss you too!” he was crying now too.

“Remember what I said, don’t wait for me! I love you so much!” I sobbed.

I put my arms around his neck and he put his arms around my waist and we kissed each other passionately. This was our last moment together. Little did I know, Luke was videoing and taking photos of the whole thing.

“Flight AJ260 to Los Angles, this is now your second call for boarding”

I let go of Ben.

“Luke, can you send me the video and photos you took?” I asked. he nodded.

I walked over to my Mum and my Nonno and Nonna.

“I love you so much mumma bear!!! I’m gonna miss you so much!!” I gave my mum the biggest hug.

“I’m gonna miss you too baby! Stay safe!! Call me everyday okay?”

“I will I promise!”

She looked over to the boys.

"You better keep her safe!! If anything happens to her, you are all dead!" she warned and giggled

"Don't worry Mum, we will look after her! Promise" Luke reassured her and gave her a hug as well as the other boys.

Next was Nonno and Nonna. Me and the boys all gave Nonno and Nonna a group hug and then Mum took a group photo.

“Flight AJ260 to Los Angles, this is your final call for boarding”

We walked over to the gate. I quickly ran back and gave Ben another Kiss and said, “don’t ever forget me!! I love you!!”

“I will never forget you, you are my whole world!! I’ll skype you everyday! I love you too Isabella Brooks”

We let go from our hug and I went and joined the boys at the gate. I gave in my ticket. I turned around and waved until I couldn’t see anyone anymore.

“This is it Bella!” Luke said as the plane started to drive around before taking off. I held onto Luke’s hand.

Goodbye to my old life. My old friends. My hometown. And hello to new memories. New opportunities. New life. I’m excited for what this experience had to bring.

We were finally in the air. I looked out the window and down onto the city below.

“Goodbye Melbourne”


THE END!!!!! Yayayayyayayay. So I finished my first fanfic!! It had a lot of fun writing this one! Don't worry, I'm still gonna do a sequel. I will start the sequel really soon hopefully. If you guys have any ideas on what it should be called, leave comment or if you wanna be one of the boys girlfriend also comment below (*note: Beau is already taken*). I will let you all know when the sequel is up!!  Thank you to everyone who read 'Being a Brooks'. I really hope you all enjoyed it. I seriously only thought I would get like 5 reads not 6.9K reads which is what I roughly have at the moment so thank you so much!  Stayed tuned for the sequel! I seriously can't thank you guys enoughLove you all xx Comment, Vote, Become a fan!! x

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