Chapter 12 :)

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My alarm went of at the normal time 6:20. It was a monday and I was not bothered to go to school. I haven't been there since tuesday. To be honest, I was kind of nervous about seeing Veronica. God only knows what she will do to me.

I slowly got up to do the normal routine; shower, get dressed, go eat breakfast. The boys were no where to be found again. I walked around the whole house and no one was there. Why? Why do they do this to me? I was about to leave for the walk to school when I heard Jai come through the back door.

"where were you?" I asked,

"outside, Luke has already gone to school, he left early for some reason and Beau well he's gone to work, so it's just us kiddo!" he replied.

At first I don't think much of it and wait for Jai to be ready. My phone buzzes with a tweet from Tyla. That's odd.

Tyla: Just saw Luke go behind the school with Matt and Veronica... I suggest you get to school incase and bring Jai.

I put my phone back in my skirt pocket. I pick up my bag.

"Jai!! Hurry we need to leave! NOW!" I screamed as I run around the house looking for him.

"Why? What's wrong!" he quickly asks.

"We need to get to school before Luke does something stupid!" I cried. Before Jai could say anything else, he pick up his bag and we run out the door, and didn't stop running until I got to school.



After we got home last night, I got a text from Veronica's brother Matt. I couldn't stand that Faggot.

Matt: Heard you threatened my sister. Well that was a mistake!

Luke: Why? she threatened my sister and told her to die. That's worse!

Matt: Yeah, but sister deserves it being the slut she is

Luke: She's not a slut. She hasn't slept with anyone, unlike you sister so keep your mouth shut faggot.

Matt: Meet me tomorrow at the back of Penola and you can find out why she's a slut. Don't tell anyone or things will be worse. You better show up!

I put my phone down and thought about how I was going to do this. I knew a fight is what he wanted. Matt is stronger than me and 2 years older. He's finished school so I have no chance. As much as I didn't want to go, I had to because this could affect Bella.

I got to school this morning and saw Veronica and her brother standing at the gate. Veronica ran up to me, hugged me and said, "I'm sorry Luke, but this has to happen. You threatened me and you hurt me. We can still be friends though". I stared at her. Was she crazy! I didn't want anything to do with her. I walked over to Matt, "So how we gonna do this?" I asked. "You'll see" he replied and gave a smile. I started walking off with the two them. I saw Tyla and Felicity. They gave me a strange look, and I gave one back and continued walking. We walked to the back of the school. He pinned me up against the wall and punched me square in the face. I tried to hit back, but he was too strong. He kept hitting me and telling me off. I finally got the chance to hit him back. I punched his jaw and he fell to the ground. I kicked him where the sun don't shine and he yelped in pain. Veronica came and pushed me from behind, helping her brother up. "LUKE!" I heard someone say. I looked up and saw Bella running in the distance.



I ran around everywhere trying to find them. I stopped for a second and realised I hadn't looked at the back of the school. I ran as fast as I could. There I found a helpless Luke lying on the ground being kicked by Matt. "LUKE!" I yelled as I cried. Jai was behind me and he covered my mouth. I tried to kick my self out of his grip. "Bella, leave it. We need to do this the proper way otherwise it could get worse!" He whispered. I turned and looked at him, "I don't give a shit what the proper way is! That's our brother and if we don't help him now, Matt and Veronica will probably kill him with their anger!" I said to him. "Wait, that's Matt and Veronica!" he asked, looking to them from the distance. I nodded my head and he said "Oh, now we have to go!". He ran up to Matt and without him noticing, punched him in the back. "Aw fuck!" Matt yelped and fell to the ground. I ran to Luke. By this point, Veronica had run off. Jai sat on Matt so he couldn't move and I helped Luke up. "Jai, I'll take Luke to the office and get someone to help you" I cried. I put Luke's arm around me and started walking him to the office. We walked past Tyla, James, Ben and Felicity and I yelled to them to go help Jai with Matt. They nodded and ran off.

We got to the office and I sat Luke down on the chair. "Can you please help! My brother got bashed!" I yelled to the lady in the office (Miss Davadel). She got up and took him into sick bay. I followed them in. The Miss just told Luke to rest and said that I could stay in there with him. "Are you okay?" I asked him. "Yea, I'm good just a few bumps and bruises. Nothing serious. He didn't hurt me that bad" he responded. "When you weren't home this morning, I knew something was gonna happen. That's why I ran as fast as I could to school to find you. I asked everyone where you were and when I saw you being hurt by that Faggot I started crying! Why did you do this Luke?" I questioned. He stared at me for a moment. He opened his mouth just as the bell rang. "We should get to class, thanks for the help Miss, I'm okay now. Just a few bumps and bruises. I'll survive though" he said to Miss Davdel. "Okay, if you need to come to the office during the day you can" she smiled and Luke walked out. I quickly ran after him. "Luke! tell me why you came here and put yourself through this!" I demanded. "I'll tell you at recess" he said and walked to his first class.

It got to recess and I met everyone in the usual spot. Luke and I walked to the seat near the where we sat and we started talking. "So why did you do this?" I asked. "Well, last night I got a text from Matt saying I had to watch myself because I threatened Veronica and then I said Veronica threatened you and then he said being the little slut you are you deserved everything that Veronica said and I said that you're not a slut and you've never slept with anyone like Veronica has and then he said to meet him this morning and not bring anyone or tell anyone or else there would be something worse" he explained to me. I stared at him not saying anything. A thousand things went through my mind. I started crying and ran to the bathroom.

When I reached the bathroom I locked myself in the toilet cubicle. I cried and cried just thinking. There were flashbacks of everything going through my mind. I had a deep secret that no one knew. Well actually two people knew, Veronica and Jessica. So last year when Veronica and I were really good friends, we got invited to a party. It was Jessica's brothers, friends, party. So we got all dressed up and looked good knowing there was gonna be boys there. At the party I was approached by someone I didn't know. He basically grabbed me and took me to a room. I had no idea where I was or what I was doing there. He looked about a year older than me maybe two years. He pushed me onto the bed and kissed me. He said that if I didn't cooperate he would hurt me. He made me stay and sleep with him. IN the morning when we woke up he said if I told anyone he would make my life a living hell. I nodded and climbed out of his bedroom window. I knew I hadn't lost the V card because we hadn't actually done it. We just made out and slept in the same bed. Plus I didn't see him put anything on. I walked over to Jess's house straight after that. I had to tell her what happened. Veronica was with Jessica so I had to tell them both what happened. They were my closest friends and we trusted each other with anything. They said sorry because they both left me to go dance when it happened. I described the boy to Jessi and she said it was Max's (max was the Jessicas brothers friend who had the party) little brother who was 15. She said he was always making out with girls and sleeping with so I was just another victim. Veronica and Jess swore they would never tell anyone. After I left Jessicas house I decided I would never tell my brothers. I couldn't.


Will she tell Luke? Keep reading :)

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