Chapter 22 :)

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Beau and I sat in the hospital waiting room while doctors treated Bella. I couldn’t help but cry. I turned to Beau. “What if she’s not okay. She’s lost heaps of blood. We can’t lose her Beau” I cried.

“I know. Lets just hope for the best. She’s strong. You should call Jai and let him know what happened” he suggested. I nodded in agreement. Even though I was pretty pissed at Jai, I knew I had to call him. It was 10:00, Jai would be in class, This is an emergency.


I felt kinda bad after what happened this morning with Bella. She has a right to be angry, but she didn’t need to make it physical. I walked into my second class and took my seat. I felt my phone started ringing. I took it out of my pocket and saw Luke’s caller ID. The teacher wasn’t in the class yet so I answered.

{Conversation between Luke and Jai}

Jai: Hey Bro, what’s up?

 I could hear Luke crying and I felt a feeling of worry come across me.

Luke: Jai, you need to get to Glenroy hospital right now! It’s Bella. She tried to commit suicide. Come now!

 As soon as he said that I hung up, grabbed my bag and walked out of the classroom. I walked into Jesss on my way out.

“Hey babe, where are you going?” she asked.

“It’s Bella, she tried to commit suicide. I have to go” I said quietly so no one would hear.

“I’m coming” she said and out the gates we ran.

We caught the train to the station near the hospital and then ran for our lives. We got to the front desk and I asked,

“Hi which room is Isabella Brooks in?”

“She’s in room 105” the lady pointed down the hallway. In the distance I could see Luke and Beau sitting outside her room. I ran down the hall with Jessica close behind. “

Boys, where is she!” I yelled. Just as I said that a doctor walked out of room 105. I stood with Luke and Beau. “Are you Isabella Brooks’ brothers?” he asked. “Yeah” we replied in unison.

"She's lost a lot of blood and drug overdosed, but she's stable and is going to be alright" we all sigh in relief, "You were really lucky she got here when she did" he continues. "Do you know what might have caused her to do it?" 

"She's been getting bullied, but we didn't know it was leading to this. We didn't know it was this bad" Luke answers. 

"We need to keep a sharp eye on her, so we're gonna keep her over night. She should be fine to go home tomorrow, just keep anything sharp away from her incase she has any temptations" the doctors says. 

"Can we go see her?" I ask impatiently. 

"Go on" he motions for the door and we walk in. 


I laid in the hospital bed fighting for my life. When I got to the hospital I realised how much of a mistake I had made. I didn’t want to die, but it easily could have been too late. The last thing I remember is being in the back of the ambulance with Luke and him telling me to stay strong. After that, everything was basically a blur.

 After a while I woke up in a hospital bed. I wasn’t sure if it was real or not. My brothers walk in.

"Hey boys" i faintly say. They walk over to me and Luke sits down next to me and takes my hand. 

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