Part 1

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I quietly creep down the stairs. Each step makes a creak. Oops.

"Madison? Is that you?" My dad called from up the stairs.

"Crap," I whisper under my breath. "Uh yea, I'm just getting some water."

"Alright." He yells back down. I make my way to the kitchen. I hate being all super famous. Oh didn't I tell you? Well, my dad is Norman Reedus. I'm his daughter, Madi Reedus. He's super famous and stars on AMCs The Walking Dead. Ugh! I have to live in a huge house with a bunch of stuff. I want to be normal for once. With chores and public school. But no. I'm also famous for being a small time actor and his daughter. Such fun. Whoopty doo. But, I have to admit, it's super fun to go to parties, meet a bunch of new people, and blah blah blah.

"Dad?" I walk into his bedroom.

"Yea honey?"

"Is it possible to go to work with you tomorrow?"

"Sure! It'll be fun tomorrow because there is auditions for some new characters." He smiles.

"Yay! Ok goodnight pops." I hug and kiss him goodnight. I quietly walk to my room. Just lying there I can't seem to drift off. So I decide to go on Instagram. Nice! 76532 likes on my lates post. I scroll through the comments. Each and everyone of then made me smile. I get exaushted suddenly and slip into a dark, dreamless sleep.

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