Part 17

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I throw on the costume which includes: a black tshirt, leather jacket, black beanie, light blue skinny jeans, and converse. I exit my trailer and start walking through the lot. "Oooof!!" I trip over my own feet. Instead of getting up, I sit there. Like a statue. Then I break down. Total 5-year old mode. I hug my knees and cry. Sobbing into my now soaked jeans.

"Maddi?" Someone gasps.

"Go away." I immediately reply.

"Are you ok?" The person asks.

"Yea I'm fine. Now leave me alone!" I shout and return back to some tears.

"Come on. Let's get ya fixed up." They say. I look up and see Andrew standing there. He holds out his hand. I grab it as he pulls me into a hug. I cling onto him as he walks me over to makeup.

"Thanks." I sniffle and wipe my face.

"Aw! You alright?" The makeup lady asks.

"Yea. I uh think so." I manage a smile. She starts on my makeup and gossips about the other workers. It's kind of a blur to me. So, she finishes in no time.

"Alright. Go!" She excitedly gives me a circular mirror. I touch my dirty looking face in amazement.

"Thanks." I hop down from the chair and walk onto set.

"Ok! Now that everyone is here, let's start filming!"


Scene starts.

I walk out of my cell to Beth.

"Thanks for the extra clothes." I smile.

"No problem." She weakly smiles back looking afraid of me.

"I'm sorry if I scared ya before. It's ok I'm actually sane now." I laugh and walk away. I walk out side and scan my surroundings. I look right to left and left to right over and over. As I do it one last time my head stops at Carl. He's waking up the hill. Then he smiles. In my mind I roll my eyes and tell him I hate him. But in the scene I smile back. He walks up to me.

"Hey. Taylor? Right?"

"That's me."

"Are you ok?" He looks around uneasy.

"Yea im alright. Listen I'm really sorry about my meltdown yesterday-"

"It's fine. It really wasn't you're fault. You couldn't control it." He smiles.

"Only you could control yourself with Brighton." I glare and give him a dirty look."


Scene ends.

"CUT! Maddi, what's going on? That's not you're line at all. Take 5, then we roll again!" The director shouts.

"Maddi." Chandler whines behind me.

"What do you want?!" I shout and walk over to the snack table.

"Maddi let me explain, it wasn't what it looked like-"

"Hahaha that's funny because it looked like your lips on hers." I grab a water bottle.

"Well yea but-"

"Chandler give it up. It was what it looked like. You just said that."


"No. I gotta go." I march past him onto the set.



Scene starts.

"Yea I know. But I just shouldn't have don't that. It's totally wrong to melt down and ask for your help."

"Nah. It's actually great I found you." He moves closer and smiles some more.

"W-what?" I ask.

"I'm just saying maybe it wasn't a mistake. Maybe it was Gods way of telling us something. Haha maybe a sign. Maybe fate." He leans in and plants a kiss on my dirty cheek and walks off. I touch the wet spot and grin. All of a sudden... BOOM!! It felt like a bomb hit the prison I look around and spot a man and a tank and some cars. Everyone runs out to the fence.


Scene ends.

"Great job Chandler and Maddi. That's a wrap for now. Have a great rest of the day." The director shouts. I moan and walk back to my trailer loligagging along. Thinking about life. I get that feeling again that I shouldn't go into my trailer but it was nothing last time. So why should I care? I grab the handle and twist it. Revealing Chandler.

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