Part 2

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"Madi! Wake up now! Were gonna be late." Pops calls from the kitchen. Shoot, I forgot I'm going on set today.

"Uh yea! I'm getting ready now!" I shout back. I quickly grab a tank top and denim short shorts. Then I speed through my make up and throw on a pair of white converse. "Ready!" I dart down the stairs.

"Come on." Dad tells me. We hop into the car. The drive was silent. No talking. At all. The whole way there. As we pull into the lot, the producers rush out to talk to pops. "Madi, I'll be in a meeting. You can just hang around the set ok?"

"Cool." I reply. I hop out of the car and walk in.

"Hey madi." A random walker calls. Then everyone, and I mean everyone, stares at me. All of their heads dart over to look at me.

"Uh.. Hi?" I confusedly wave. I guess that wasn't good enough because they all just turned to what they were originally doing. Cool cool.

"Hey Madison. Haven't seen you in a while." A familiar voice says. It was Chandler. Ick! He's so weird and annoying. Jeez he's all like oh I'm so much better than you and I'm more attractive than youuu. Ugh.

"Hey." I say with some annoyance in my voice. " what's up?"

"Nothing much. And you?"


"Sooo... "


"Are you here with you're dad?" He breaks the silence and puts his hands in pockets.

"Yea. Yea." I reply.


"Um I gotta geeoooo..." I fast walk into my dad's trailer. Phew. Finally.

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