Part 4

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I literally dropped my phone.

I picked ur back up," ok thank you!" The person hung up. Oh jeez. I got the part as Chandler's love intrest.

"So, I heard you got the part." He comes out of nowhere.

"Ahhhhhh!" I scream and run into him.

"Oooof!" I flop right on top of Chandler.

"Oh hello." He smiles.

"Shut up." I laugh. He stares at it like it's an alien from mars.

"You know, I've never seen you smile." Shocker.

"Well, now you have." I quickly get off of him. Then I brush off my clothes. "And yea I did get the part."

"You uh - you aren't too happy about it huh?"

"No not really. I just wanted to prove a rich snobby girl wrong." I plob right down on the curb.

He sits next to me."Which one? There's like a million who tried out." He smiles.

"I dunno. But," I sigh," It might be fun to be on the show."

"Yeah it's sooo cool!"

"Let's see about that." I nod.

The director called," Madison and Chandler to set now!!"

Let the fun begin.

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