Part 10

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"Me? What? You like me?" I gag in my head. He was supposed to back off when he sees the kiss.

"Yea. I uh tried to keep it a secret but I dunno." Chandler sheepishly says.

"Oh." I silently say.

"But it's been so annoying with you and Robbie."

"Wait what's so annoying?"

"How it's so obvious you like him and he likes you."

"But Chandler-"

"No forget it." He storms out the door.

"Wait!" I'm too late.

"Oh god. What now?" I ask Robbie.

"You should talk to him love. Person to person. No me. I'll uh go wait at the hotel. You need to be honest with him."

"Alright. Thank you." I quickly hug Robbie and leave after Chandler.

"Chandler wait!"I chase him.

"What?!" He yells.

"I uh, I need to tell you tell you something. I need to talk to you."


"I'm private." I grab his wrist and turn the corner.

"Madi are you embarrassed of me?" Chandler looks hurt.

"NO! I mean no." Wait what's going on...?

"Then what?" He looks irritated.

"Look don't be mad. It was just a stage kiss." Um what's wrong with me.

"It looked pretty real."

"No," omg what am I doing?!?! " this is..." I place my hands on his shoulders and lean in. And gently place a soft kiss on his pink lips. It felt amazing. Like sparks flying, like I was on air, like static, like I was loved.

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