Part 14

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"Maddi! Wake up! Time to get on te plane!" My dad calls from the little kitchen area.

"Yea yea. I'm getting ready now!" I call. I get up and pull on a pair of light blue skinny jeans and a shirt that says ' zombies - eat flesh' in a subway logo. Then I put on bb cream, powder, mascara, and skin colored eyeshadow. Lastly, I pull my hair into another messy bun. "Ready dad." We grab our suitcases and climb into the elevator.

"Wait!" Andrew runs to the elevator.

"One more!" Lauren Cohan shouts as she joins us.

"Are we gonna meet the rest at the airport?" I ask them.

"Yea. Our flight leaves at about," she checks her watch," an hour. So we'll be alright." Lauren tells me. All of us grab a cab and they take us to the airport. We go through security quicker than I thought and before I know it were on the plane. I scan the rows for an empty seat.

"Maddi!" Emily calls and motions to the seat next to her.

"Hey." I wave and plump right down.

"Hello ladies. Would you like anything today? Peanuts? Soda?" The flight attendant asks politely.

"Uh can I have water please?" I ask.

"Me too?" Emily says.

"Here ya go." The lady moves on.

"OMG! Are you Madison Reedus?" A little girl squeals.

"That's me." I laugh.

"Uh may I have you're autograph?"

"Sure." I sign the napkin and she runs off. Emily already fell asleep next to me. And she snores. This will be enjoyable! It's been a few hours and we land. The whole cast gets off.

"Maddi?" Pops calls as we both hop in the car.


"Uh didn't you have a photo shoot yesterday?"

"Holy crap! I forgot! Oh jeez this bad. Really really bad."

"Hahaha!" My dad cracks up.

"What?" I'm so confused.

"You're freaking out-"

"Why shouldn't i?!"

"-I moved it to today so there isn't any bad gossip." He turns all parental.

"Thank you!" I say relieved.

"Here, I'll drop you off now."

"K." We arrive in about 5 minutes. "Bye pops!" I run out of the car and enter the building. I immediately remember Chandler, so I text him.

M: hey :)

Chandler replies immediately.
C: hiiii

M: wanna come to my photo shoot? I forgot yesterday.

C: love too;) directions?

I text him the directions and talk to the director.

"So were first gonna start off with our newest line. Maddi Reedus - survivor." He smiles.

"What?! I have my own line?!" This is amazing.

"Suprise!!" The whole walking dead cast jumps out. " happy birthday!" They scream. And pull down a curtain revealing a whole room decorated for a party.

"Oh my god guys! Thank you so much! Why did you do this for me?"

"Well it's our gift from us to you. A happy birthday gift or a gift for joining our family." Andrew hugs me.

"This is amazing. I can't wait for the line or the party! W-wait... Where's Chandler?" Why wouldn't he be here? What's wrong?

"Uh he's not here because well I didn't want you to freak out because there's nothing to freak out about-" Lauren starts.

"He called last minute saying he couldn't make it." My dad filled in.

"Is he ok?! Did something happen?" I'm starting to get a little scared.

"No, he's actually ok." Andrew says. "Why? What's going on?"

"Nothing. Nothing haha why? Uhh let's party now!" I shout. They let go of Andrews suspicion and yell to start the music. We all dance and eat and take pictures. I get to start my line tomorrow since I'm having the party today. But what I really need is some air. I step out into the cold night and look at the city lights. I take in the brisk cold air. I thought I heard footsteps behind me. I slowly turn around.


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