Part 26

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I slowly open my eyes into the pitch black darkness. I let out a silent yawn and sat up. How long have I been asleep? Quietly, I stand up and stretch. As I take one step forward, I trip.

"Awug!" I fall forward.

"Sorry! Sorry!" A groggy voice repeats.

"Chandler?" I squint into the dark outline of his face.

"Hey." He quietly says in a croaky morning voice. (Oh jeez the feels)

"What are you doing here?" I shout in a whisper.

"I was scared." Chandler helps me up.

"Scared? What are you talking about mr. Zombie killer?"

"I was scared about you. I know you are ok now but I dunno, it freaked me out."

"Chandler I'm fine." I reassure him. I can hear him let out a breath of relief.

"Maddi, I love you." Chander admits quickly.

"O-oh," I'm shocked," I love you too." I kinda lie a bit. I'm only a teenager, I don't exactly know what love it's but I think I found it. I find his hand and squeeze it tightly. He touches my face and his lips find mine. We kiss for a moment while I feel like I'm on air. He suddenly pulls away. I feel a little embarrassed. Maybe it was my -middle of the night- morning breath.

"Maddi, since your ok now, I have to tell you something."

"Yea? What is it?"

"Can I um talk to you outside?"

"Sure I'll meet you out there." I say. Chandler heads out to my balcony and closes the door. I turn on my light and put on my slippers and his sweatshirt that Chandler gave to me. I check my face quickly and it actually looks good. Quietly, I creep to the door to the balcony. I peek out the window and I see Chandler pacing and mumbling. I slip out side into the brisk cold air.

"Hey." I say as I look out at the view.

"So um Maddi. I need to tell you something." He takes both of my hands.

"Yes?" I get uneasy.

"It's about this girl named Hana..."

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