Part 11

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I felt complete butterflies and fireworks. I stop and look up at Chandler. He looks completely shocked.

"B-but you hate me." He stuttered.

"Oh yea I hate you so I just kissed you." I roll my eyes. As I start to walk away I felt a tug on my arm. "What?" I turn around.

"I'm sorry." Chandler confesses.

"No I am. It was wrong to do that to you." I look away then back to him. Chandler doesnt seem to take his eyes off me. We stand there, in the ally like idiots, staring at eachother. Before I know it he leans in and kisses me. I soon register what happened and kiss him back. I can feel him tense up. He sure was not expecting that haha. We break apart.



"Are you sure your not dating Robbie? He might beat me up." Chandler looks around laughing.

"Haha. Yea, I'm sure." I smile at him.

"Shall we?" Chandler offers his hand. As I take it, he winks at me. What? In 30 seconds we were back in the ice cream parlor.

"How's it going?" Robbie stands awkwardly staring at me. I immediately drop Chandler's hand.

"Uh fine." I look at Chandler and roll my eyes. I act annoyed by him. By this performance Robbie calms down. BEEP.

"Oh," Robbie checks his phone," gotta go. See ya around!" He hugs me and 'bro hugs' Chandler.

"We can't let people know." I tell Chandler.

"Oh. Yea. Doesn't your contract say something about that?" He rubs his neck.

"Yes. It's so stupid! I have to ask my agent about any guy. And if he's not good enough I can't date him. But I'm not scared with you."

"How come?"

"Well, you're not nearly 'good enough'-"

"Wow such a great friend!" He cuts me off.

"Eh hem! I was not done! Anyways, you're not nearly 'good enough', because you're even better than perfect." I beam at him. He kisses my nose and walks me back to the hotel. Our rooms are across from eachother so it wasn't a sad goodbye.

"Good night Madison." He hugs me.

"Night Chandler." I laugh and step in my room. I shut the door quietly and slowly. Plump! I hear something drop outside. Then I swing the door open. It was Chandler's phone. He must have dropped it.

"Madison?" My dad calls. I pick up his phone and stuff it in my pocket.

"Yea pops?"

"It's 9:42..."

"Yea?" I walk in to see him on the couch.

"That's 12 minutes past curfew."

"Oh crap! I'm so sorry! It won't happen again! I swear.." I freak.

"Uh huh. Just go to bed. Now."

"Yes dad." I slip into bed. Bloop! A phone goes off. Oh yea, I have his phone. I take it out and go on it. Hmm. Texts. I scroll through the contacts names. Kimberly. Who is that?! Haha KIMBerly. HA. I read the text:
Kim: Hey Chandler.

Chandler: Hey Kim.

Kim: I was wondering what are you doing tomorrow?...

Chandler: uh idk why.

Kim: maybe a date?

Chandler: oh sorry Kim. I have someone else in mind. I'm so sorry.

Kim: it's ok. Haha gtg.

Chandler: k byeeee.

Wow. He is so clueless. Hmmm. Alex.
A: hey bro

C: heyyy

A: so how's Maddi?

C: still hates me.

A: it'll be k. She'll know she likes you

C: idk she rrrreeeaaalllyyy hates me

A: ahaha Idk about that. Look at ya.

Is like ever text about me or...? Let's see, how about Liz.

L: ugh I can't believe Maddi got my part!

C: oh

L:oh? I wanted to be your love intrest

C: why

L: because you're hot

C: heh thanks

L: ya ok bye

HAHA! Real smooth Liz. I bet this is the snobby rich girl. I tap on contacts. I see one as "Maddi Reedus." Everything is blank. Aw! Poor Chandler! I fill in my number and picture. It was one from a recent photo shoot. I turn off the phone as I yawn in exhaustion. I soon fall into a sweet sleep full of dreams.

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