Part 24

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We film for what seems like hours... Which we did. But now we're wrapping it up.

"Alright great job everyone. Have a good night." The director said.

I walk to the car with pops. He starts the car and picks a rock station on the radio. I look out into the pitch black street. And have a silent car ride home. I can't help but feel depressed. Sad. Unwelcomed. Unwanted. I've been getting tons and tons of hate with everything: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, public. They hate me for loving Chandler like they do. Ugh idk it's just frustrating. We finally reach the house.

"Hey, uh, you ok?" Pops asks.

"Yea why wouldn't I be?" I walk inside.

"Ok then." He walks away probably to the kitchen. I slowly climb the stairs. When I reach my room I change into gray sweats and a big shirt that has the TWD logo on it. Then I take off my makeup and put my hair into a high pony. Something on my desk catches my eye. I walk over kinda scared. It was a book. When did I get this? The book had the title of Divergent, I've always wanted to read it but I don't have time... Well I have time now. I trudge over to my bed and get comfy.

"Paaaaage 1." I sigh. As I begin to read I feel exhaustion come over me. I let my eyes flutter closed and suddenly I drift into sleep. Away from the drama. Away from the haters. Away from the pressure. Away from reality.

I slowly wake up, slowly comming back into the world. As I sit up I notice something in my chair across the room. What the..? I get up slowly and carefully go over to the chair. I find a little teddy bear, a card, and a little bag. I pick up the card and begin to read.

"Dear Maddi,

How was your sleep? That was creepy! Anyway, Maddi I just want to remind you that I love you. You are beautiful and caring. You are smart and funny. But most of all you are you. I hope you have a wonderful day!



I smile widely at the card. As I set it down carfully, I pick up the little bag. There seems to be some kisses and some paper? I sit down with the paper on the floor infront of my chair. The paper seems to hold something. I flip it around and around, trying to figure it out. Finally, I find a flap. Then I peel the flap of paper up, I can see pictures. Polaroid pictures. I look at them in awe. There's many of me and the cast members of TWD. A bunch of Chandler and I together. And some of sunsets and landscapes. I love each and everyone of them. I grab my tape off my desk and tape all of them to my wall. Then I grab the teddy bear and hop down the steps.

"Dad?" I ask.

"Yea? In here with Jake." He replies.

"Hey Jake. Mornin Pops." I greet.

"Hey." They say.

"so um pops, when did Chandler come by?" I ask.

"Um what are you talking about? Chandler was never here..."

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